Featured below and attached, please find a report on a Cork EcCoWell breakfast on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. EcCoWell is a concept devised by PASCAL to mark an approach to integrated and holistic development in learning cities.
The UALL International Network is seeking to support those who wish to encourage the internationalization agenda in lifelong learning. We are seeking, for example, to provide support with the internationalization of the curriculum (including what that means in various LL/CE areas); ways of widening access to students from different cultural backgrounds; approaches to increasing international enrolments in LL/CE; sharing of best practice, developing international partnerships and promoting research and development at international level.
Please find featured below and attached the call for abstracts for the UNIBILITY - University's Social Responsibility conference, which is to take place in Barcelona on Friday, 20 September, 2017.
Please find featured below and attached a document from the University Alliance on Lifelong Learning: Ladder and Lifeline, which has recently been published. Our Chair, Peter Neil, suggests you will find this of interest.
In the next issue of Adult Education and Development we look at the role adult education plays in building, fostering and understanding diversity. We are also curious how inclusion can be taught, if at all. If you are working with inclusion, or diversity, please write for us!
Would you like to investigate an urban policy, planning or research problem using big, complex, or administrative data? If so, the UBDC is here to help. We provide access to novel and innovative urban-related data, as well as expert support.