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PASCAL Library

The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

The Maturing of the MOOC: Review of current thinking released today

The Maturing of the MOOC: Literature review of Massive Open Online Courses and other Forms of Online and Distance Learning’, a report for the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, is launched today. The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education is pleased to have co-authored this comprehensive review of the MOOCs phenomenon, with e-learning consultant Stephen Haggard and the Centre for Distance Education at the University of London International Programmes. The report is featured below and attached.

Announcing PRIA International Academy Appreciation Programmes

We are pleased to inform you that we now have 25 courses (short and long term) for offering in an online and distant mode of learning. Please find belwo further information about our new courses, offered through PRIA’s International Academy. Do forward this information to friends, colleagues and others in order that we may be able to reach out to potential learners from across the globe.

New Economics Papers - Social Norms and Social Capital - 31-08-2013

In this issue we feature 6 current papers on the theme of social capital:

REMINDER: Adam Smith Research Foundation Visiting Senior Research Fellow Scheme

The Adam Smith Research Foundation is making a new call for applications for Visiting Senior Research Fellows. Visiting Fellows are expected to conduct a discrete research project during their appointment, and candidates must demonstrate how their research will fit with at least two of the ASRF¹s research themes and/or other existing or emergent interdisciplinary College themes.

NEP: New Economics Papers - Social Norms and Social Capital - 10-08-2013

In this issue we feature 8 current papers on the theme of social capital:

The Talloires Network E-Newsletter - September 2013

The Talloires Network is one of the partners with whom PASCAL collaborates. The Network enjoys a high profile and is among the several national and international bodies encouraging universities worldwide to adopt a more centrally-focussed universities' 'third mission' commitment to community service in its different senses and settings.

Here is a copy of Talloires Network E-Newletter for September 2013:


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