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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

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Cedefop newsletter No 99 - April 2020 - Coronavirus crisis and Cedefop’s related work

The corona crisis must be dealt with now, its economic fall-out must be forecast now, and the recovery must be planned for and supported now. Because of its pivotal role in the fields of labour market, vocational training and skills intelligence, Cedefop will have to deliver critical contributions to the post-coronavirus recovery efforts of the European Union – starting now. That is why we have started generating coronavirus-related results and findings in our field – helping policy-makers to assess the impact of the crisis on VET systems and how the latter can be used to overcome the former. Our first outputs are collected in this newsletter.

Rethinking Sustainable Learning Communities for Extraordinary Times | An EcCoWell 2 Community Recovery Program

Today PASCAL inaugurates a new programme directed at the recovery of communities from the coronavirus epidemic.  The term “community” has been used a lot in the media in reference to the social context in which people are at higher risk of getting infected. We are interested in “community” as the social context in which people cope with the pandemic in ways that make the places where they live stronger and more resilient.

Building Inclusive Resilient Learning Neighbourhoods in EcCoWell 2 Community Recovery Program

The first of the six monthly stimulus papers on key areas in the EcCoWell 2 Community Recovery Program has been released today. The paper titled Building Inclusive Resilient Learning Neighbourhoods in EcCoWell 2  covers innovations in local neighbourhoods guided by EcCoWell 2 integration ideas.

PRIA International Academy Announces 4 Online Courses in May 2020

Register Now for Online Courses in May 2020!

Homelessness & Public Space in COVID-19 | Placemaking Weekly

This newsletter from the Project for Public Spaces connects people who share a passion for public spaces to ideas and issues, news, quotes, places, and events from the placemaking movement. In this edition,  the higher risks faced by the homeless during the current coronavirus crisis are discussed.


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