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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

New European Project on Social Platform for Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment (SoPHIA) begins with a first meeting in Italy

The H2020 project, SoPHIA (Social Platform for Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment), got off to a great start in Rome when Professor Michela Marchiori and the Roma Tre University played host to the first meeting on 30th-31st January 2020.

PIMA Bulletin No. 28 - January 2020

In many countries, it is held (and opinion-polled) that older adults are conservative, while the young out on the streets to chant and fight for radical change. This PIMA Bulletin bears witness to the fact that this is not necessarily accurate. Not all older PIMA contributors – notably regular columnists as represented in this issue No 28 – are ‘conservative’ (see below Findsen and Houston on words that matter). They tend to value history for what it teaches. They abhor the wish to erase the past with its lessons, whether uplifting or dire. They try to own and learn from experience, and to change policy and behaviour. Hence our exploration in 2019 of anniversaries and where ahead they point.

BULLETIN of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning - 3 February 2020

Welcome to the newsletter of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) – the UIL Bulletin. In this first issue of 2020, you will learn more about the celebrations of the International Day of Education in UNESCO learning cities around the world, our lifelong learning policy work in countries such as Rwanda and Cambodia, a series of capacity-building workshop on family literacy, new UIL publications, and many further initiatives.

David Atchoarena
Director of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning


P2PU is hiring a production lead

P2PU is looking for somebody to join us (from anywhere in the world) as the Production Lead! We are looking for a candidate who can bring communications, design, and product management skills to our small team as we support more and more non-formal adult education communities around the world.

You are Destined for Great Things! Opportunities at the The University of Johannesburg (UJ)





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