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PIMA Bulletin No. 28 - January 2020

In many countries, it is held (and opinion-polled) that older adults are conservative, while the young out on the streets to chant and fight for radical change. This PIMA Bulletin bears witness to the fact that this is not necessarily accurate. Not all older PIMA contributors – notably regular columnists as represented in this issue No 28 – are ‘conservative’ (see below Findsen and Houston on words that matter). They tend to value history for what it teaches. They abhor the wish to erase the past with its lessons, whether uplifting or dire. They try to own and learn from experience, and to change policy and behaviour. Hence our exploration in 2019 of anniversaries and where ahead they point.

This issue includes several older men’s analytic personal memoirs with Powell’s apologia for Bulletin silence now broken, and one irrepressible GOM (grand old man) of LLL with the words of another Beatle number – Imagine.


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