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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

Call for Journal Papers for Special Issue of Australia and New Zealand Journal of European Studies (ANZJES)

This call for journal papers is for a Special Issue of the Australia and New Zealand Journal of European Studies (ANZJES) - “Critical Reflections on European Education” - Submission deadline: 28 February 2020.

Report of PIMA Webinar “Navigating climate crises: Deepening the conversation about contributions of adult educators”, 23 October, 2019

A Thought piece by Shirley Walters was the reference text for PIMA’s first webinar held on 23 October 2019, including a response by Han Soonghee and an article by Jim Falk which both appeared in PIMA Bulletin 26. Shirley gave a brief introduction to the text, then two invited respondents, Sandy Morrison from Aotearoa/New Zealand and Jim Falk from Australia, deepened the conversation before it was opened up to other participants. 

PIMA Bulletin No. 27 - November 2019

This Issue of the PIMA Bulletin, Number 27, carries forward themes started in recent issues: the Climate Crisis and the recent PIMA Webinar; our special interest group topics of Later Life Learning, and Sustainable Development, also a 2019 strand on ALE anniversaries, ‘looking back to go forward better’; an anthology of other News and Views from members, and a welcome to the latest new members from three continents in our steady inward flow. Note in particular the PIMA ‘hot centre’ at venerable Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. Can we see our way to nurturing other such sites elsewhere which purposefully share information and support tomorrow’s leadership?

UALL Remembers Cambridge graduates - victims of the terrorist attack at London Bridge, Nov 29 2019

UALL was devastated to learn that the victims of the terror attack in London last Friday were graduates of the University of Cambridge, a member institution and supporter of UALL, and were young leaders in the 'Learning Together' programme that is dedicated to prison rehabilitation through learning.

Latest news on European Research in Learning and Work [L&W] - December 2019

In this edition of the L&W Newsletter you should note in particular several calls for papers relating to international conferences: the ECSM on Social Media in Cyprus, the ECKM on Knowledge Management in Coventry, the ECIE on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Rome and the Tourism Intelligence Forum in Algarve (see Conferences), the UFHRD conference on Sustainability and Ethics in Budapest, ECER 2020/VETNET in Glasgow, the EGOS stream on Humanizing Management in Hamburg and the UALL conference on Lifelong Learning in Liverpool (see Networks and Organisations), the ICO Spring School at Kerkrade and the DASCHE conference in Warsaw (see Programmes and Projects); also calls for papers for a monograph on Dimensions of Teacher Educators and for a special issue on Non-Traditional Students in Tertiary Education (see Publications) and Cedefop's call for tender for the Skills Forecast (see Networks and Organisations). And not to overlook: the position of PhD researcher offered by the Zurich University of Teacher Education (see Networks and Organisations)!


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