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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

Applications for the Professor Sir David Watson Award for Community University Partnerships now open

The Sir David Watson Awards recognises the combined efforts of community and university partners towards making a difference to the lives of people in their shared community. These awards have been created in memory of Professor Sir David Watson, honouring his leadership in encouraging community-university engagement.

Learning city e diversità culturale (Learning city and cultural diversity) - New book with PASCAL contributors

We are very pleased to announce a new book concerning learning cities edited by Paolo Di Rienzo and Liliosa Azara (Eds.) Learning city e diversità culturale and published in 2018 by Rubbettino Editore in Italy.

Another thoughtful piece on rankings - Hands off ‘sustainability’ rankings

Word is out that rankers want to put their hands on “sustainability”. They have already distorted the purpose of “education” by ranking universities using a narrow spectrum, R&D (though important), and publications criteria that skewed the understanding of what seeking knowledge is all about.

EXTENSION: UALL Conference 2019 submissions


UALL has extended the deadline for the Call for Papers and Workshop proposals to the Lifelong Learning and Innovation conference at the Telford Innovation Campus, University of Wolverhampton, 10 - 12th April 2019, as well as for the UALL Awards.


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