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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

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Connecting Minds, Creating the Future - Expo 2020 Dubai: University Challenge

"Connecting Minds, Creating the Future" is the catchcry of what Dubai is calling "a festival of human ingenuity".  Wanting nations and people to collaborate, the challenge has already gone out to university students to find ways towards innovations that will improve lives while preserving the environment. 

Making Learning Happen - a report on the PASCAL event held at UCL, 4 May, 2018

The PASCAL seminar, “Making Learning Happen,” was well-attended by some 30 delegates from across Europe on 4 May 2018.  Thanks to kind generosity of LLAKEs ( and its head, Professor Andy Green, we convened in a room at the UCL Institute of Education.  The seminar provided an opportunity for associates and key contacts - new faces and old friends - to discuss learning in cities and metro-regions and their links to rural hinterlands, and to shape future PASCAL work in Europe.

Lifelong Learning: Reflections from Wurtzberg ASEM Lifelong Learning Hub meeting - February 2018

I have just has the pleasure of attending a conference organised by the University of Wurtzberg in collaboration with the Asia-Europe Lifelong Learning hub, entitled Lifelong Learning Policies & Adult Education Professionals: Contextual and Cross-Contextual Comparisons between Europe and Asia.

PIMA Bulletin No. 17

In this number we continue to ask: What is happening to Democracy and What is happening to lifelong learning? The full Bulletin Number 17 is featured below and attached.

Statement by Professor Bruce Wilson, Director European Union Centre at RMIT, on the occasion of Europe Day 2018 - 9 May, 2018

Today, Europe celebrates Europe Day 2018. This is always an important opportunity to acknowledge the enormous progress which has been made towards securing a lasting peace on the European continent, offering a new form of cooperation among nations which strengthens the capacity of each of them, through their collaboration, to make significant global impact.


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