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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

Latest news on European research in learning and work - FINAL edition: August 2021

In this edition of the L&W Newsletter, you should note in particular the call for papers regarding: the Nordic conference on adult education and learning in Vestfold and the International congress on research in VET in Bern (see Conferences), the TAKE 2022 conference in Porto (Programmes and Projects), the JVET special issue on TVET race and ethnicity and the ERVET thematic issues on Exploring resilience in VET and Promoting financial literacy in VET (see Publications). Also, save the date for the G.R.E.A.T. Conference 2022 (see Conferences). And don't overlook the Vacancy announcement for adult education at FSU Jena (see Networks and Organisations)!  

New Research on the Impact of Public Space Investments | Placemaking Weekly

This newsletter from the Project for Public Spaces connects people who share a passion for public spaces to ideas and issues, news, quotes, places, and events from the placemaking movement.

NEP: New Economics Papers - Social Norms and Social Capital - Digest, Vol 128, Issue 4

In this issue we feature 7 current papers on the theme of social capital, chosen by Fabio Sabatini (Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”):

Notes from the ninth meeting of the PASCAL Learning Cities Networks “Reimagining Inclusive Economic Futures” (RIEF) on 7 July, 2021

Attendees: Annie Tubadji, Swansea University; Mike Osborne, Director of PASCAL ; Leone Wheeler, Lead for the Australian Learning Cities Network and PASCAL Board Member; Annina Martin, Education Department of Glasgow City Council; Jac Torres Gomez, Wyndham learning City and joint lead for the Global Learning Festival; Kristiina Erkkilä, Espoo Learning City and lead for the RIEF Entrepreneurial Learning Theme.

Global Learning Festival - register your event

On behalf of the Global Learning Festival partners and co-leads, Melton City Council, I am sending out a gentle reminder to encourage you to plan your Global Learning Festival event and consider registering it soon.


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