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“Scoping the Future” - A workshop to explore future policy and practice challenges for regions

Dec 6 2011 14:00
EU Parliament Building
Rue Wiertz, B-1047

Who should attend?

Policy makers from regions and regional bodies from Europe and beyond, representatives of higher education institutions.

What is the purpose?

To explore the growing focus on policy and practice for Regions and Regional development and testing the potential for a PASCAL centre in Brussels.  The centre would focus how PASCAL can help Regions address the challenges they face, such that over time, all involved will be more effective at developing strategic insights and their practical implementation.

What are the themes?

Placing the region at the forefront of innovative policy and practice is key; PASCAL through its global connections in regional government and higher education institutions has identified the following to frame the workshop agenda:

  • The region as a level of effective government;
  • Innovation in the use of increasingly scarce resource whilst managing the political cost;
  • Building on Pascal’s successes in developing applied project work for and with regions;
  • ‘Big Issues’ including for example: the global financial crisis (Euro Zone), youth employment, innovation, social inclusion, regional identity, vocational education and regional resilience;
  • Creating greater links for regions to Pascal’s four regional offices and  vast network of expertise.

What is PASCAL International Observatory?

PASCAL International Observatory is a ‘think and do tank’ focused on Regions. PASCAL is a dynamic and rapidly expanding organisation which aims to connect the communities of policy makers, practioners and researchers through an innovative approach to the sharing and exchange of cutting-edge best practice research, ideas and policies.

We are an independent not-for-profit organisation operating globally from four regional offices around the world, based at RMIT University, Melbourne, (covering Australia and Asia), the University of Glasgow (covering Europe), University of South Africa, Pretoria (covering Africa) and Northern Illinois University covering North and South America. PASCAL has an extensive network of expert associates who all have experience in senior positions in governmental and other public bodies and in academic institutions, who can be mobilised rapidly to offer expert advice and research to member and client organisations, from an international perspective.


For further information and to confirm attendance please contact:

Dr Peter Welsh – [email protected] - +44 (0) 7891 201093

Places are strictly limited

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