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The 11th Knowledge Cities World Summit - 20-22 November 2018, Tenerife, Canary Islands

Nov 21 2018
Nov 22 2018
Universidad de La laguna
Calle Padre Herrera
San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Spain  Spain

We are delighted to announce that the 11th Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS-2018) will be held in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain in November 2018, sponsored by the Government of the Canary Islands as a contribution to their aim to promote Knowledge-based Development in this autonomous region.

This year’s program will focus on “Knowledge Islands” and will converge with the European Outer Regions Summit being held in the Canary Islands at the same time. The conferences will host joint spaces to explore the application of Capital Systems as an analytical and planning tool for regional governments. A joint seminar on how to apply the Capital Systems Framework to participate in the annual MAKCi awards will be held on Monday 19th, while the prominent annual Most Admired Knowledge City Awards (MAKCi) Ceremony will be held on Tuesday 20th. The Awards will be made in the presence of the Canary Islands President and other Regional Presidents attending the European Outer Regions Summit.

Tenerife provides an outstanding venue for the Summit as one of the administrative capitals of the Canary Islands. The island welcomes more than five million tourists annually and is one of the most important tourist destinations in both Spain and worldwide. The Canary Islands have been investing in the knowledge economy for some time now and the Summit will help strengthen its knowledge island endeavour and strategies.

In addition, the Summit aims to contribute to the vital discussion on the importance and trends in knowledge-based development theory and practice. Academics, professional practitioners, civil servants and policymakers from around the world will be engaged in discussions, drawing on a wide range of disciplines. They will share their knowledge and experience with the Summit delegates and will also provide opportunities for practical exercises in workshops and small group sessions in innovative formats.

As part of the KCWS-2018, a ‘PhD Consortium’ is planned to provide postgraduate research students with an invaluable opportunity to present, discuss and receive feedback on their research projects from international experts in their fields. The training sessions for practicing professionals and civil servants planned to take place immediately before the summit will take the form of continuous professional education (CPE) training.

Further details featured below and attached.

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