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5th World Forum: Lifelong Learning and Education for Sustainable Development - St Petersburg, 25-27 May 2017

May 25 2017
May 27 2017
Lenexpo Exhibition Complex
Prospekt Bolshoy V.O., 103
St Petersburg

With the support of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) and the International Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNESCO-UNEVOC, HONKONG) the 5th World Forum and15th International Conference for Lifelong Learning - Lifelong Education and Learning for Sustainable Development: an Integrated Approach will take place in Saint-Petersburg, 25-26-27 May 2017.

The main objectives are:

  1. Discuss key aspects of lifelong learning and education in the perspective of sustainable development.
  2. Innovate concepts and practices in application of United Nations principles of lifelong learning and education for sustainable development.
  3. Reinforce international multidisciplinary and multicultural cooperation among different actors on diverse levels and modalities (formal and informal) of the education system – such as higher education (educators, researchers and administrators) – as well as of civil society and the private sector.
  4. Encourage the creation of local, national, regional and international networks to promote lifelong learning and education in order to achieve sustainable development goals.
  5. Develop recommendations to UNESCO and other specialized agencies (within and out of the United Nations system), governments, the international education community and civil society.

Expected outcomes

  1. Key aspects of lifelong learning and education for sustainable development are identified.
  2. Innovative concepts and practices of lifelong learning and education for sustainable development are documented.
  3. New forms of cooperation between relevant Lifelong Learning and Education actors are established.
  4. A set of recommendations addressed to UNESCO and other agencies and actors are formulated.

Proposed Round Tables

  1. Learning Cities [1]: A Participative and Collaborative Innovation is Under Way.
  2. Cross Experimentation of Learning Territories: An Innovative European Project.
  3. Health and Well-being: Which Lifestyles for Living Better and Longer?
  4. Girls Education: A Real Urgency!
  5. What New Roles for Which New Responsibilities for Higher Education in the Lifelong Learning and Education Perspective?
  6. Public Education, Confessional Education and Education on Religion: Interrelated issues.
  7. Recognition, Validation and Accreditation of Non-formal and Informal Learning Outcomes.
  8. Education for World Citizenship and Lifelong Learning and Education: What Implications?
  9. Lifelong Learning and Education for Sustainable Development: People at the Core of Strategy for Sustainable Development.
  10. Thinking and Reflection as an essential element of Lifelong Learning and Education for Sustainable Development.
  11. Multicultural Dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Necessity!
  12. Partnerships for Enhancing Skills Development, Including Green Skills, in Support of Lifelong Learning and Education.
  13. Principles of Good Governance in Lifelong Learning and Education.
  14. International Legal Framework for Lifelong Learning and Education: Issues of Formulation.
  15. Lifelong Learning and Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: Challenges and Responses.
  16. Articulation of Environment Concerns with Lifelong Learning and Education.

[1]To clarify the concept of «learning cities» see.: “What is a Learning City” in Key Features of Learning Cities (p. 9). Cf.:


More information about LSU and 5th Forum (in Russian):
The French, English and Spanish 5th Forum websites are under construction.

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