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Barking in the Wilderness? Making the case for adult learning - Tuesday October 9, 2018, Leicester

Oct 9 2018 18:15
Satta Hashem Hall, Leicester Adult Learning College
Belvoir Street
Leicester, LE1 6QL
United Kingdom  United Kingdom

The Leicester Vaughan College Open Research Forum presents 'Barking in the Wilderness? Making the case for adult learning'  with guest speaker Sir Alan Tuckett, to take place at Satta Hashem Hall, Leicester Adult Learning College, Belvoir St., Leicester.

The Vaughan Open Research Forum is a series of monthly events, talks and workshops which are open to anybody who is interested.

The first event of this academic year will be a talk by adult education specialist and campaigner Sir Alan Tuckett speaking on ‘Barking in the Wilderness? Making the case for adult learning’ Tuesday 9th October 6.15pm with refreshments available from 5.45pm

‘How is it that at a time when there has never been a greater need for adult learning, there is so little public commitment to securing an informed democracy with critically engaged citizens. The onset of the fourth industrial revolution, greater longevity, climate change, and Brexit all pose challenges that cry out for opportunities to understand, adapt to and to shape change. Yet governments continue to be wedded to an exclusive and utilitarian focus on initial education and training. The talk will consider the conundrum and how best we can make the case for adult leaning in challenging times.’

You are most welcome to attend. (NB This is a free event but booking would be appreciated for catering purposes)

To reserve your place, please email [email protected] or book via Eventbrite

Leicester Vaughan College was established in 2017 as a community benefit society in the wake of the University of Leicester’s decision to close the Vaughan Centre for Lifelong Learning. Members of the college share a passion for providing mature students with part-time, accessible opportunities to access higher education. Our vision is that adult learners in Leicester and the region will continue to have the opportunity to study for a degree in a supportive context.


Alice Reynolds

UALL Administrator
The Lifelong Learning Centre
Marjorie and Arnold Ziff Building
University of Leeds


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