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Becoming a leader: A matter of education?

Jun 16 2015
Jun 18 2015
University of Nordland, Universitetet i Nordland
Universitetsaleen 11
8049 Bode

An international research and education conference on Bachelor programs in leadership, whether leadership can be learnt, and leadership as a profession.

Lately, some universities (mainly in the U.S.; others are to follow on this trend) have started to offer Bachelor degrees in Leadership (not in management). Behind this phenomenon there is an assumption that leadership is something that can be learnt and, perhaps even more important, that leadership is a subject important enough to major on. The phenomenon also indicates that what a leader mainly needs to know is leadership – not management or knowledge specific to the certain industry. Leadership, thus, might be categorized as a profession in its own right.

This conference is meant to be an arena for knowledge exchange, debate and discussion on, mainly, bachelor programs in leadership, but also on any subject connecting to this issue (please see below for a more extensive list of suggested themes that can be taken up). Attendants can, preferably, submit something that they would like to present at the conference, in terms of a research paper/abstract, an argumentative paper, a program description or an experience-based paper. But please note that those without such submissions are, definitely, also welcome to attend the conference!

The character of the conference gives that papers/people in support of the reasonable in offering bachelor programs in leadership, making leadership into a profession, or claiming that leadership can be learnt are as welcome as those who are in opposition. The “debating arena” that we want the conference to be has also rendered us to put all paper presentations as a pre-conference, while idea presentations are most welcome during the main conference.

The primary group of target is all those scholars who have an interest in leadership education, primarily bachelor programs, and either already give those or consider to start giving them, as well as those who teach at such programs or do research that is more or less tightly connected to such programs. But anyone who has an interest in the main theme or any of the connected themes is most welcome to at-tend the conference. This means that those who, for instance, teach leadership but not at any bachelor program in leadership, leaders/managers who take an interest in the debate on leadership as a profession, consultants and many more, are most welcome to attend this conference.     

Conference themes
This conference is expected to be a meeting place for all those (both researchers and educators) who are interested in whether or not leadership can and should be learnt at undergraduate/bachelor programs in leadership. Students taking such programs are also welcome to attend the conference, as well as anyone else who has an interest in the issues at stake. 
Main theme: undergraduate/bachelor programs in Leadership

• Which are the arguments for/against providing undergraduate/bachelor programs in leadership?
• Which content should such programs have?
• How should such programs be assessed?
• Which pedagogies should such programs have?
• Does the existence of such programs help to make leadership and man-agement more gender equal?
• Should such programs be given on campus or on-line?
• How to reach a balance between theory and practice on such programs?
• Is such an education enough, to start to work as a leader, or is there also a need for experience?
• Does having a bachelor degree in leadership guarantee that you will be a good leader?
Connected themes:

• Can (good/effective) leadership be learnt/taught? (or is good leadership something that you are born with?)
• Leadership as a profession (is it a profession?) should it become a profes-sion?)
• Leadership education, other than undergraduate/bachelor programs, and leadership development (is such education/development more relevant than undergraduate/bachelor programs?)
• Leader succession and recruitment (should one only select those who have taken an undergraduate/bachelor program in leadership? Is there a need to offer alternative careers in organizations to avoid bad leaders?)
• Alternative careers, for those who aspire to make a career but might not be fit for a leadership role


• Research papers (full paper or abstract) on any of the main or connected conference themes
• Presentation material of bachelor programs in leadership
• Ideas, reflections and argumentations connected to any of the main or connected conference themes


To get the opportunity to make a scheduled presentation at the pre- or main con-ference, you must submit (and receive acceptance of) a written paper or presenta-tion (please see above for preferred types of contributions).

Such contributions must be submitted by 15th December 2014 at the latest, and should be sent as at-tached word document to Anders Örtenblad (click here to email Anders). Notifi-cation of acceptance will be communicated by 15th January 2015 at the latest.
Places on the conference are limited (maximum around 200 participants). However, to make sure that presenters get an opportunity to pay after their submissions have been accepted, we will keep 50 places (of the 200) open for presenters until 31st January 2015. This is intended to give those who might want to attend the conference only if there submission is accepted a chance to wait to pay until they have been informed about our decision in this regard.
Please note that by submitting any kind of material where your bachelor program is presented or the like, you automatically give us the right to use and spread your material.

Please see the attached invitation or visit the conference website for more information:


Conference invitation.pdf1.68 MB

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