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Education, mobility and migration; people, ideas and resources - BAICE Conference 2012

Sep 8 2012
Sep 10 2012
Churchill College, Cambridge
Storey's Way
United Kingdom

This international conference will encourage the sharing of interdisciplinary understandings of the opportunities, barriers and challenges in formal and informal education that are associated with the migration and movement of people, ideas and resources. It will enable a wide range of participants to present national, international and comparative perspectives on migration, mobility and education. The focus will be on exploring theories, policies, practices, experiences and the interrelationship between them. The conference welcomes contributions from different stakeholders including academics researching migration, education and mobility, educators, members of migrant communities, professionals and volunteers working with migrants, policy makers, etc.

Key questions

  • What are the educational experiences of different migrant groups and ‘people on the move’?
  • What challenges for educational practice are posed by the migration and mobilities of people, ideas and resources?
  • What are local, national and international policies on education and migration and how do they relate to educational practice and/or theory?
  • How do, and how should, social and educational theoretical frameworks reflect issues of migration/mobilities and education?

Key themes

Education within the areas of migration and mobility

  • Educational experiences in different migration and mobility contexts: forced, voluntary, external, internal, illegal, lifestyle etc.
  • Education and national and international migration policy frameworks and responses
  • Debates on: ‘brain waste’, ‘brain drain’, ‘brain gain’ and ‘brain circulation’.
  • Education in theories of migration.

Migration and mobility in the context of educational concerns

  • Migration and mobilities concerns in formal and informal education.
  • Migrants’ transfer of remittances and resources and their effects on education.
  • Movement of people, ideas and resources within and across various educational sites.
  • Migration and mobilities in theories of education.

Culture, home and family

  • Cultural dislocation, relocation and mobility and their effects on education.
  • Education in the context of attachment and communication to home and homeland.
  • Effects of mobility, migration and education on the (extended) families.

Diversity, rights and discrimination

  • Migrants’ inclusion and exclusion in education
  • Diversity, multiculturalism and citizenship in the context of education, migration and mobility. 
  • Human rights and ethical aspects of migration, mobilities and education. 
  • Migrants’ experiences of discrimination based on: race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, language, gender, disability and sexual orientation.

Abstracts and symposia

Deadline for proposing symposia: 16 January 2012; deadline for abstract submission: 16 March 2012; abstracts should be no longer than 250 words. Space is limited, so abstracts received after this date are unlikely to be considered.

For more information on abstracts and symposia and for submission visit:

Contact details

Prof. Madeleine Arnot
Dr. Claudia Schneider
Email: [email protected]
Call: +44 (0)1223 767600
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PQ. United Kingdom.

For more conference information, visit:


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