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Euro Crisis: The impetus for continental consolidation, or a case of reverse alchemy?

Oct 17 2012 18:00
Monash University Law Chambers, Seminar room 1, level 1
555 Lonsdale St

Optimists see the current Euro Crisis as the disaster Europe had to have, so as to give its evolutionary process a much-needed boost. Alas, such optimism may well prove ill-founded.

Presenter: Dr Yanis Varoufakis, Professor of Economics, Division of Political Economy, Department of Economics, University of Athens. Visiting Professor – Lyndon B. Johnson Graduate School of Public Affairs, University of Texas

Dr Varoufakis argues that underneath the surface of debates on fiscal pacts, monetary policy and north-south transfers, a modern titanomachy rages between forces and interests which instead of bringing about the desired continental consolidation, he believes are tearing the continent apart. 

Dr Yanis Varoufakis received his economics doctorate from the University of Essex. He taught economics and econometrics at the University of Essex and the University of East Anglia before spending a year as a Fellow at the University of Cambridge. 

From 1989 to 2000 he taught as Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Sydney. In 2000 he moved to his native Greece to take up an appointment at the University of Athens as Professor of Economic Theory and director of the Political Economy Program, as well as to found UADPhilEcon, an international doctorate program in economics.  

He holds a Visiting Professorship at the Lyndon B Johnson Graduate School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas.

Since the global and euro crises began in 2008, Varoufakis has been an active participant in the debates occasioned by these events. Together with Stuart Holland, he is the author of A Modest Proposal for Resolving the Euro Crisis.


Venue: Monash University Law Chambers, Seminar room 1, level 1, 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

Information on directions, parking and access here

Please RSVP to [email protected] for catering purposes by 12 Oct


All welcome - no charge

Monash European and EU Centre (MEEUC)
Postal address: PO Box 197, Caulfield East VIC 3145, Australia
Office location: Level 5, Building H, 900 Dandenong Rd, Caulfield East, Melbourne, Australia
Tel: +61 3 990 34638
Fax: +61 3 990 34686

The Monash European and EU Centre is funded through a grant from the European Union and Monash University.


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