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Europe in Crisis? Making sense of Complexity

Nov 29 2011 12:30
Emily McPherson Building
Corner of Russel and Victoria Streets

The last few months have seen events in Europe which have contributed to considerable speculation about the future of the European Union, accompanied by volatility in stock markets. Some extraordinary media reports have linked all kinds of social ills with the current activities of the European Union and its leaders. Much of the reporting of the situation in Europe has focused on short-term issues and does not provide a reasoned overview of the importance of this moment in European history, in shaping the next phase of the evolution of the European Union.

For many European leaders, this is a period through which Europe will move to embrace a new phase of partnership, albeit one which is quite different from that which has existed in the past. This forum is intended to offer some insight into these complexities and to provide scenarios of future developments, exploring the question: How might the European Union evolve over the next ten years?

HE Mr Andrzej Jaroszyński - Ambassador of the Republic Of Poland to Australia
Mr Rory Steele, former Australian Ambassador to Italy
Dr Bruno Mascitelli, President of the Contemporary European Studies Association of Australia; Swinburne University

Free event. All welcome. A light lunch will be served.
Please RSVP to [email protected] for catering purposes

European Union Centre at RMIT
Building 5, Level 2 Bowen Street
GPO Box 2476, Melbourne VIC 3001

Tel: +61 3 9925 8214
Fax: +61 3 9925 8220
Email: [email protected]

The European Union Centre at RMIT is funded through a grant from the European Union and RMIT University


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