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Glasgow: A City of the Future - the EcCoWell Approach for 2020

Dec 5 2013
Glasgow University Union
32, University Avenue

The Centre for Research & Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL) at the University of Glasgow, in collaboration with PASCAL International Observatory, will host an event of significance for all practitioners, policy makers and planners engaged in the improvement of the overall health and well-being of the community. Framed within the concept of 'The Learning City', this is the second of an international series of events which began in September with a corresponding conference in the City of Cork, Eire.

For the Glasgow event, CR&DALL has drawn together an eminent international panel of speakers with significant track-record in this field. Matched with this is a comprehensive group of workshops where current innovative practice will be highlighted and discussed - led by the practitioners themselves.

This is an opportunity to become involved in, and inspired by, the work which will shape the future of the City of Glasgow and of cities with similar aspirations. Full details of the programme and of formal arrangements, including fees, can be found in the documents attached to this announcement. Early booking is advised.

NOTE: The 'Delegate Form', which can be viewed by clicking on the link below the conference description ("Glasgow EcCoWell Delegate Form"), includes a choice of workshops and, also, a choice of payment methods. It should be printed off, completed and returned to CR&DALL along with payment. Only advance payment is accepted for this event.

CRADALL: City of the Future - Event draft outline499.16 KB
Glasgow EcCoWell - Delegate Form.docx54.89 KB

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