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Global Dialogue and Living Knowledge Conference 2012

May 8 2012
May 12 2012
Science Shop Summer School

Please allow me to draw your attention to the upcoming Living Knowledge Conference to be held in May 2012 in Bonn: Re-imagining Research Relationships - Co-creating Knowledge in a Democratic Society held in conjunction with the Science Shop Summer School.

Over the past 10 years Science Shops and community-based re­search have found their place on the agenda of science policy-making. The forthcoming focus on innovation to guide research requires to re-imagine research relationships and see howknow­ledge co-creation can be advanced over the coming years. Whe­re do we need to focus and which coalitions need to change? How can civil society fully participate in the current co-creation of knowledge? There is an ongoing interest in and attention gi­ven to the participation of citizens in community-based research in science-based policy processes and decision-making procedu­res.

The 5th Living Knowledge Conference will focus on different themes to get more insight into processes, and develop specific policy recommendations that resonate with public concerns and articulated research needs. It will build on the experience and know-how of the previous LK Conferences in Leuven, Seville, Paris and Belfast. The conference will be an opportunity to bring together some of the key thinkers and practitioners both from civil society partners and the academic/research community in the area of community based research, university/community partnerships and Science Shops, and aims at providing options and opportunities for collaboration, and ensuring that this area ofwork is prioritised on policy agendas both nationally and in­ternationally.

The call for proposals is open. Please follow for more details.

And please feel free to forward this information to your colleagues and networks.


International Science Shop Contact Point                
Norbert Steinhaus
Wissenschaftsladen Bonn - Bonn Science Shop
Buschstr. 85 - 53113 Bonn - Germany
Tel. +49 228 201 61 22                                        

[email protected]
[email protected]

Living Knowledge: Building partnerships for public access to research

5th Living Knowledge Conference, 10-12 May 2012, Bonn, Germany  
"Re-imagining Research Relationships – Co-creating Knowledge in a Democratic Society"


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