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Invitation to ALCN Friday Forum “Lifelong Learning for Life and Work” co-hosted by RMIT

Sep 22 2023 15:00
Australia  Australia

You are invited to register for the ALCN, Wyndham, Melton, and RMIT University online forum about Lifelong Learning for Life and Work. Presentations by George Osborne, Manager Economic Development, Hume City Council, and Maren Klein, Research Fellow EU Centre of Excellence, RMIT  will explore this topic from a practical and theoretical perspective.

On behalf of Australian Learning Communities Network, Melton City and Wyndham City, we would like to invite you to the ALCN Friday Forum “Lifelong Learning for Life and Work” co-hosted by RMIT on Friday 22nd September, 3pm-4pm (AEST).

You are invited to engage in conversations on:

1. Advantages of extending the Learning City Approach into other areas of Local Government and beyond

George Osborne, Manager Economic Development, Hume City Council, will share examples of adapting a collaborative learning city approach to other areas of government, with a focus on Economic Development.

2. Learning and/or earning: Tensions between learning for the economic sphere (jobs) and learning for well-being/democracy

Maren Klein, Research Fellow, EU Centre of Excellence, RMIT will discuss the tensions between learning for the economic sphere (jobs) and learning for well-being/democracy.

Participants are encouraged to ask questions after each presentation, sharing ideas from their own practice.

Registration is FREE!

This event will be recorded, to receive the recording you must register via the Eventbrite link

All details are in the attached flyer, including speaker information, please also share with your learning community networks.

The ALCN Friday Forums are an informal network organised and led by leading-edge learning practitioners so that they can have conversations about issues they deal with in the field and share resources in areas of interest.


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