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PEI #ScienceAfrica UnConference: 11th July, London - Attend, participate, collaborate!

Jul 11 2013
HUB Westminster 1st Floor New Zealand House
80 Haymarket

I am writing to you with an open invitation to attend, participate and collaborate with us on a major 'UnConference' we are hosting next month in London, on scientific development in Africa. This invitation is going out to you as someone working at the heart of science and higher education in the UK and around the world.

Our UnConference is on 11th July at the Hub Westminster in central London, titled 'Africa¹s Scientific Independence: How Do We Get There?'. It is designed to be an open and highly interactive format, with lots of space for small working groups and participant-led discussions and facilitated by the group FutureGov. The day will focus on issues of science, higher education and technology in Africa. The day is designed to give plenty of space for others to share their ideas and experience ­ so if you'd like to run a working group or share your knowledge please get in touch!

We are calling the event an 'UnConference' as, unlike many traditional conferences, the emphasis is on open discussion and interaction and a broad base of delegates, hosted by our Trustee Rt Hon Lord Paul Boateng, former UK High Commissioner to South Africa. The event is part of a major series of policy events the looking at higher education, science and technology in Africa and will bring together over 100 policy makers, scientists, youth groups, socially focused start-up companies and others, for a day of workshops and small working groups to discuss key issues around these themes. At the moment we have some fantastic partners involved already, including the Association of Commonwealth Universities, the BBC World Service Science Team,, Newcastle University and the Swiss National Foundation for  Science.  

Issues for working groups include: 'how do we communicate science effectively?', 'the importance  of international academic partnerships','leadership training for  academics in Africa', 'the role of ICT in science and higher education'  and a host of others.

If you would like to run a working group to discuss an issue or project you have been involved with, please get in touch.  

To give you a bit of background on the Planet Earth Institute, we are  an international NGO working for the 'scientific independence of Africa'. The PEI is building new higher education and scientific research  centres and developing world-leading technology in Africa, as well  advocating the importance of science and technology in sustainable  development. The PEI pathways, of higher education, technological  innovation and effective advocacy, are our vision to help lead Africa to scientific independence.

To attend please follow the links on the flyer below or view more details on the day here:  

We are also inviting people to share their ideas for what it takes for  Africa to become scientifically independent  here: ­

feel free to submit!  

Best wishes,

The Planet Earth Institute team

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