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Preliminary Program of the 3rd World Forum in Marrakech

Oct 31 2012
Nov 2 2012
Royal Theater and Cadi Ayyad University

The management committee of the World Committee for Lifelong Learning, chaired by Yves ATTOU, has elaborated the preliminary program of the 3rd World Forum on Lifelong Learning, which will be held in Marrakech (Morocco) on  October 31, November 1 and 2, 2012 (Royal Theater and Cadi Ayyad University).

It is co-organized with UNESCO (Institute for Lifelong Learning), with ICAE (International Council for Adult Education) and with the support of Moroccan authorities. «LIFELONG LEARNING, WHY AND HOW?” will be the theme of this Forum. It will focus on accounts of various innovating achievements, analyzed in workshops, reported during plenary sessions and published in the “Acts of the Forum”.

The OPENING SESSION OF THE 3rd WORLD FORUM will hear Fatima Zahra MANSOURI, Mayor of Marrakech, Abdellatif MIRAOUI, President of Cadi Ayyad University, Alan TUCKETT, President of the International Council for Adult Education, and Arne CARLSEN, Director of UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)

Then the workshops will be chaired and coordinated as follows:

  • “THE PERSON AT THE CENTER OF HIS/HER LIFE HISTORY”: Louise SAUVÉ, Professor at TELUQ, UQAM (Quebec University in Montreal), and Hélène BEZILLE, CMA, Leader of the international scientific network, University professor.
  • “WOMEN AND CHILDREN”: : Carol TAYLOR, UK, Deputy of the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education in the UK and expert on family and inter-generational learning , and  Evelyne DERET, CMA, General Secretary.
  • “FROM ILLITERACY TO SUSTAINABLE LITERACY”: El Habib NADIR, Director of the fight against illiteracy in Morocco, and Elie MAROUN , Project Leader at ANLCI, National Agency of Fight against Illiteracy.
  • “RESPONSIBLE COMPANIES”: Mounir FERRAM, Deputy Director of the General Confederation of Companies of Morocco, and Philippe DA COSTA, from the Economic, Social and Environmental Council-France.
  • “WORKING, TRAINING ONESELF ABROAD”: Fouad BENMAKHLOUF, Director of the Cooperation and Partnerships Pole, Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans living abroad, and Abdelhakim ALAGUI, Professor at Cadi Ayyad University.
  • “EVOLUTIONS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF SKILLS”: Arne CARLSEN, director of UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), and Michel GUIDEMBERT, President of the Compagnons du Devoir and of WorldSkills
  • “INFORMAL LEARNING”: Rosa Maria TORRES, linguist, international expert, and Françoise DAX-BOYER, CMA, Vice-President
  • “HEALTH AND EDUCATION”: Carolyn MEDEL ANONUEVO, Deputy Director of UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, and Hervé MAISONNEUVE, former President of the European Association for Science Editors
  • “TERRITORIES AND GLOBALIZATION”: Sergio HADDAD, General Coordinator of Educational Action in Brazil “Learning for Another Possible World”, and Pascale de ROZARIO, Sociologist of education

The “SCIENTIFIC CONTROVERSY” will oppose Philippe MEIRIEU, Professor at Lyon University, and  Louise SAUVÉ, Professor at TELUQ, UQAM (Quebec University in Montreal), on the theme: «LEARNING TO LEARN? “

THE THEME OF THE WORLD ROUND TABLE which will close the World Forum will be:” WHICH PATHS TO TAKE FOR THE FUTURE?” with:

  • Alan TUCKETT, President of the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE)
  • Adama OUANE, Minister of Education in Mali
  • Yves ATTOU, President of the World Committee for Lifelong Learning
  • Arne CARLSEN, Director of UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)

Invited personalities:

  • Sheika Mozah BINT NASSER, President of the Qatar Foundation for Education
  • Hao KEMING, Professor at Beijing Normal University, President of the Chinese Agency for the Development of Education
  • Michael SOMMER, President of the International Trade Union Confederation
  • Susan HOPGOOD, President of Education International (EI)
  • Kyung HE SUNG, Chairperson of the Governing board of UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning



Project leader: Alexandre GINOYER <[email protected]>

Conception and coordination of the Forum: Yves ATTOU<[email protected]> and Françoise DAX-BOYER [email protected]

Delegation leader and organization: Révelyne CHABRUN [email protected]


Comité Mondial pour les Apprentissages tout au Long de la Vie

40, rue des Blancs Manteaux 75004 Paris, 0033 (0)1 75 50 48 85


Patricia GAUTIER-MOULIN <[email protected]>



40, rue des Blancs Manteaux 75004 Paris-France <> 0033 (0)1 75 50 48 85


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