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PRIA International Academy Announces 4-Day Workshop on "Measuring Change: Evaluating Learning and Impact"

Sep 24 2019
Sep 27 2019
42 Tughlakabad Institutional Area
New Delhi
India  India

Are you concerned with showcasing impact of your project? Do you want to know how to measure such impact? How do you ensure that the team is learning from the project? A sound monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment framework can ensure it.


PRIA International Academy offers you the unique opportunity to attend a 4-day workshop on “Measuring Change: Evaluating Learning and Impact” from 24-27 September 2019  at PRIA, New Delhi, India.  

You can find more details by downloading the workshop brochure.

Hurry up and register here before 8 September 2019 to avail 10% early bird offer. Last date to apply is 20 September 2019.

Fees: INR 15,000 / US$ 225 (Inclusive of 18% Goods & Service Tax and working lunches on workshop days)


PRIA International Academy (PIA), established in 2005, offers educational opportunities to university students, practitioners, and researchers to enhance their knowledge and skills. PIA as the educational wing of PRIA (Participatory Research in Asia) draws on practical lessons from the action learning projects of PRIA implemented over the last four decades combined with experiences of other organisations. The educational offerings by PIA are the perfect blend of practice based experience and academic rigour.

PIA is the recognised Indian Hub for Knowledge for Change (K4C) (an initiative of the UNESCO Chair on Social Responsibility of Higher Education and Community Based Participatory Research)

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