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Professorial Public Lecture - Universities in crisis? Dreams, myths and realities of mass higher education in the early 21st century

Sep 26 2012 17:30
Govan Mbeki Health Building, Glasgow Caledonian University
City Campus, 70 Cowcaddens Rd

You are cordially invited to attend this lecture in Glasgow Caledonian University’s Professorial Public Lecture Series presented by Professor David Smith. These lectures aim to showcase the research of our recently appointed or promoted Professors for a non specialist audience.

At Glasgow Caledonian University, we are building on Scotland’s proud history of innovation, intellectual curiosity and creativity to develop areas of international excellence in applied research. We have a strong tradition of conducting research that is economically and socially relevant - applying new knowledge to problems of global significance in areas such as Health, The Environment, Business, Social Justice and Inequality and Engineering.

We believe that high quality research and teaching are indivisible - the mark of a great modern university that matches access with excellence and contributes both to the sector’s diversity and to the nation’s economic and social health and wellbeing.

This lecture is hosted by the Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning,

More information is available here.


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