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PURE Conference - "Regional Development and Higher Education - The Next Decade"

May 19 2011 14:00
May 20 2011 16:00
Mid-Sweden Office
Avenue Palmerston 3
1000 Brussels

REVIEWS what has been happening, globally and within Europe, to enhance the contribution of higher education institutions to the development of their regions;

EXAMINES how to plan for a stronger contribution in the current decade;

PROVIDES GUIDANCE on how to gain from international networking in this area.



The PASCAL Universities' Regional Engagement Project (PURE) has now completed its pilot phase in working with public authorities and their higher education institutions in order to explore how best to develop useful and practical working partnerships.

This meeting is an opportunity to discuss with the PURE team and with PURE client regions how the project developed, what it learned and how it might apply to your public authority, your institution or your professional body.

With the input of significant figures from public authorities, from European institutions and from researchers and practitioners with wide experience of tackling the demands placed on public bodies the PURE meeting will provide insight into how engagement may best developed, what tools are best suited and, most significantly, how it may be progressed in a climate of austerity.


Policy makers, Planners, Strategy Managers, Representatives of Public Bodies and Authorities, Researchers, Representatives of Educational Institutions and Authorities: and anyone involved in designing and implementing social development which concerns regions and city metropolitan areas and their higher education institutions.

2011 PURE BRUSSELS Conference Programme and Registration1.49 MB

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