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Re-motivating Disengaged Youth Conference - Aarhus, Denmark

Mar 23 2013
Mar 24 2013

Aarhus Social and Health Care College are happy and honored to invite you to our conference “Re-motivating Disengaged Youth”. The conference will offer the 100-150 participants strong inspiration through keynote experts, interactive workshops and partnership building on media based learning, laboratory learning, game based learning and creative use of state of the art technologies in innovative settings – and offer perspectives for 2014-20 initiatives.

With keynote speakers like James Stewart from the Europe Commission, Danielle Martin from Computer Clubhouse Network and other challenging key players working in the field of learning with media presenting their more recent results, we want to turn this conference into an important event for unfolding the inclusion potentials of media based learning.

The conference will offer interesting workshops introducing you to new ways of using media in learning. You will be offered the opportunity to experience yourself as a learner, interact in interesting debates or contribute with your own experience.

We have developed a webpage for this event. It is still under construction but you will already now be able to register for the conference at

Attached you will find the program and invitation. Please forward these details to interested colleagues and organizations in your networks.

Best regards

Marie Louise Daugaard

Project coodinator, International department

Aarhus Social and Health Care College

Olof Palmes Alle 35

DK – 8200 Aarhus N

Mob: + 45 25 16 38 00

[email protected]

Remotivating_disengaged_youth-PROGRAM.pdf647.6 KB
Remotivating_disengaged_youth-INIVITATION.pdf1.01 MB

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