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Re-motivating Disengaged Youth - Conference in Aarhus Denmark June 2012

Jun 20 2012
Jun 22 2012
The Social and Health Care College
Olof Palmes Alle 35
8200 Aarhus

Educators across Europe are facing new generations of learners. We offer them classrooms and traditional teaching; many young people are not able or motivated to learn in such settings. So, increasing numbers of young people drop-out or complete their educations with poor results. They are what we call disengaged youth. Creative use of technology makes a difference - if unfolded within innovative didactics. We need to re-think learning, and how learning takes place, and what learning could be…

We must create new ideas, new ways of re-motivating disengaged youth. And we must be inspired by creative experiments in formal and non-formal settings across and beyond EU. The conference will offer 100-150 participants strong inspiration through keynote experts, interactive workshops and partnership building on media based learning, laboratory learning, game based learning and creative use of state of the art technologies in innovative settings.

How can you participate, help and benefit?

  • You can reserve the days in your calendar
  • You can contact your National Agency for grant opportunities
  • You can make sure that your colleagues know about the conference
  • You can contact us for creative ideas for the conference or for questions
  • And you can get ready for the conference web and registration available from the 15th of March at

Contact conference facilitator Jan Gejel


RemotivatingDisengagedYouth.pdf56 KB

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