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Regional Trade Agreements: The emergence of Ersatz for Globalisation

Dec 12 2011 12:30
Emily McPherson Building
Corner of Russel and Victoria Streets

This presentation analyses the significance of regional trade agreements and economic integration in the globalised world. It questions the validity of a universal regionalisation paradigm, and focuses its analysis on the process of international trade integration that the European Union (EU) pursues with geographically distant trading partners around the world in its quest for political and economic insidership. The paper also notes the role of the EU in the dynamics of contemporary regionalisation in parts of the world, and draws attention to the reality that geographical proximity seems to become less relevant than for instance institutional proximity and soft power considerations, and therefore that regional agreements offer themselves as an Ersatz (substitute) for globalisation. A particular question is whether regionalisation is currently driven by efforts to reduce the liability of foreignness, for example through economic and political soft power.

Speaker: Professor Gabriele Suder,
SKEMA Business School, and Jean Monnet Chair

Gabriele Suder is Professor of European & International Business and Microsoft Partnership Director at SKEMA Business School. She holds a PhD in Management from the University of Bath, and an MPhil in Governmental Studies from the University of Strathclyde (UK).

The European Commission and its Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency acknowledged her expertise with the awarding of a Jean Monnet Chair in European integration in 2010. Before her academic career, she worked at Thomson C.E., Ferguson Ltd, and Sony UK, and she retains advisory positions for several corporations. Professor Suder authored the book Doing Business in Europe (SAGE). Her research on business strategy and the risk of terrorism in international business has been published in a range of academic journals. She also publishes frequently in international media, such as Le Figaro Economie, Business Week, Korea Times and Japan Today.

Free event. All welcome. A light lunch will be served.
Please RSVP to [email protected] for catering purposes

European Union Centre at RMIT
Building 5, Level 2 Bowen Street
GPO Box 2476, Melbourne VIC 3001

Tel: +61 3 9925 8214
Fax: +61 3 9925 8220
Email: [email protected]

The European Union Centre at RMIT is funded through a grant from the European Union and RMIT University


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