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The role of the European Parliament in times of crisis - Alexandre Stutzmann **New Venue""

May 11 2012 12:30
RMIT City Campus, Court Room 3 (The Chancellery)
RMIT Building 20, level 2, 124 La Trobe St

The European Parliament (EP) is the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union (EU). Together with the Council of the European Union (the Council) and the Commission, it exercises the legislative function of the EU and it has been described as one of the most powerful legislatures in the world. At this lecture Mr Stutzmann will talk about the role of the European Parliament in times of crisis.

Mr Alexandre Stutzmann has been Chief Diplomatic Advisor to the President of the European Parliament since July 2009. He was adviser to former president Jerzy Buzek from 2009 to January 2012 and is currently adviser to President Martin Schulz. Prior to his current position, he was advisor to the Director General for external policies specifically in charge of the Arab world, the broader Middle East as well as multilateral issues.

The EU Centre at RMIT in conjunction with the Monash Europe and EU Centre presents:

The role of the European Parliament in times of crisis

Dr Alexandre Stutzmann, Chief Diplomatic Advisor to European Parliament President Martin Schultz

50 Years of European UnionFree event. All welcome.
Please RSVP to [email protected] for catering purposes.
A light lunch will be served

European Union Centre at RMIT
Building 5, Level 2, Room 21
T:   +61 3 9925 8214
F:   +61 3 9925 8820

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