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Save the date - SYMPOSIUM - Higher Education, Professional Learning & African Development:Cross Disciplinary Perspectives

Jun 19 2012 10:00
Open University
Milton Keynes

You are invited to a one day UKFIET symposium, hosted by the Open University in partnership with the University of Nottingham, which will look at professional learning in universities. 

The day will explore the possibilities for cross-disciplinary learning regarding the successes and challenges of working on professional education in Africa and the implications this has for wider thinking about capacity development and African development more broadly.  

Among the questions it will consider are:

  • What are the ultimate goals of professional education and how do these vary across countries, professions and time?
  • What models of learning can be found in various professional education approaches, and what can be learnt from these across professional boundaries?
  • How do different professions build an appropriate balance between initial and continuing professional education?
  • How do professional education and professionals work between universal constructs of professional knowledge and specific cultural funds of knowledge?
  • How does professional education in Africa get shaped by national and international debates regarding the appropriate skills mix between professionals and para-professionals?

The event will be organised in a way that maximises dialogue and which minimises formal presentations.  Nonetheless, a set of short introductory comments will be made by researchers working on matters of professional education in Africa for a range of professions including education, pharmacy and health. 

This event will be of interest not just to the academic community, but also to other stakeholders working in professional education in Africa.

Details appear below; to book your place please email [email protected] by 1st June 2012.

Symposium-UKFIET-190612.pdf346.08 KB

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