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UALL 2017 Annual Conference, York - Call for Papers

Apr 5 2017
Apr 7 2017
Monkbar Hotel
St Maurice's Rd

The theme of Lifelong learning: Local, regional and international? has strands addressing the context of lifelong learning which enhances local, regional and global development as well as sustainable partnerships for economic and social development. The Conference will combine plenary and workshop sessions, and proposals are invited for papers and poster sessions – for details of this event, please see the attached flyer.

The Conference will start on the Wednesday evening with an informal buffet at which we welcome all our delegates, international members and guests to York.  This will be followed by two days conference and will finish on Friday with lunch.  The Drinks Reception and Conference Dinner will be held on the Thursday evening.



Lifelong learning: Local, regional, international?
5 - 7 April, York

The Annual Conference is the high point of the UALL year, and we are pleased that the 2017 Conference will be held at the Monkbar Hotel, York between Wednesday, 5 and Friday, 7 April.


Call for Papers

The UALL Conference has a reputation for offering opportunities for practitioners and researchers to present their work to the academic community. Proposals are invited on any of the strands of the conference theme. They may describe and discuss innovative developments and practice, and/or empirical or theoretical research. You are encouraged to take into account your own working context when submitting your proposals. Proposals are welcome from those working in different countries and learning contexts.

Please send your proposal of no more than 300 words by 30 November 2016 to Lucy Bate at [email protected]

Presenters will have the opportunity to submit full papers for consideration for publication.  A selection of the Conference papers will be published in a special issue of the international journal Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning (Open University). If your proposal is accepted, and if you wish to be considered for publication, you will be asked to provide a working draft of your paper by 31st March 2017.

I very much hope you will be able to join us, and I would be grateful if you could circulate details of our conference to your colleagues and to anyone within your institution who may be interested in joining us.

I look forward to seeing you in York.

With best wishes,




Lucy Bate MSc
Universities Association for Lifelong Learning


For regularly updated information about UALL, including events, go to:


uall_2017_conference_flyer_york_.pdf2.18 MB

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