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The Value of Higher Education: IES Policy Conference, 28 November 2012

Nov 28 2012
The Commonwealth Club
25 Northumberland Ave

As we start to see the effect of one of the greatest reforms the higher education sector [in England, Ed] has seen for decades, now is the perfect time to take stock of where we are. Applicant numbers are down, the new fee and financial support system is in place, core and margin student number controls are in operation, and the Key Information Set is about to be launched. It is time to debate the value of HE and to question for whom it is working best.

IES's annual conference, The Value of Higher Education, provides that opportunity, gathering representatives from the HE sector, graduate employers, policy makers and researchers to reflect on HE demand and supply in this brave new world.The conference is unique in bringing skills suppliers and buyers together to explore the future for HE and the value of HE to individuals, the economy and society.

VCs and registrars, who are on the frontline of delivery with direct experience of the turbulence arising from the reforms, will be attending to share their perspectives with key policy makers in the education and employment spheres. Join them in considering the practical implications of the changes, trends that may emerge and how this will affect the new cohorts to enter HE and future cohorts entering the labour market.

This one-day conference at The Commonwealth Club, London takes place on Wednesday 28th November and costs £140 (£100 charities rate). To book your place or for further details please visit

Please do pass on our invitation to any of your colleagues who you think would also relish the chance to grapple with these critical and compelling issues.

All best wishes

Gill Brown
Institute Administrator
T: 01273 763409

IES's Annual Policy Conference: The Value of Higher Education
Join us for an in-depth look at the value of higher education for individual students and the wider economy, society and the labour market.
Central London, Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Keynote Speaker: Les Ebdon

Find out more

Institute for Employment Studies
Registered Office: First Floor North, Sovereign House, Church Street, Brighton BN1 1UJ


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