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What I Know Is 2: A 2-Day International Conference on Data Literacy, Open Data and Knowledge-Building Communities - Stirling

Sep 27 2018
Sep 28 2018
Codebase Stirling
8-10 Corn Exchange Rd
Scotland  Scotland

We warmly welcome you to What I Know Is 2: a 2-Day International Conference on Data Literacy, Open Data and Knowledge-Building Communities in Stirling, UK on 27/28 September 2018. This is organised by the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) funded, Life in Data Network . ***NOW A FREE EVENT***

***Please note that due to a number of recent changes in circumstance, and in a change to previously advertised circumstances, tickets to this event are now free. Spaces are limited, however, so please do go to the registration cite to register your attendance***


Dr Martin Poulter (Wikimedian in Residence, University of Oxford): Working in a World of Open Data

Alongside the World Wide Web of sites and documents, there is a growing, global web of data. This web changes the environment in which we create sites and applications. These changes offer great opportunities to join up research, curation, and education. The rewards are not just ease of access, but sustainability for existing knowledge and a more active role for the public. To make the best use of these changes, we need to rethink how institutions manage their knowledge. There also needs to be a hub; a starting-point for the web of data in the same way that Wikipedia is a starting point for the web of documents. This talk is an overview of the changes brought about by the web of open data and the central role played by Wikidata.

Dr Martin Poulter is the Wikimedian In Residence at the University of Oxford. He helps cultural institutions and researchers work with Wikidata, Wikipedia and other open platforms. His PhD is in the philosophy of science.

Other Speakers Include:

Darinka del Carmen Ramírez Hernández, (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico); Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian In Residence, University of Edinburgh); Dr Lê Triệu Thanh (Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Communication, University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Vietnamese National University); Ian Watt (Open Data Institute, Aberdeen); Dr Simon Rowberry (Faculty of Arts & Humanities, University of Stirling); Dr Chang Xin (Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, China); Professor Weiwei Zhang (School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing Normal University, China); Professor Xi Zhuang (Deputy Director – Department of Journalism, School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing Normal University, China).

A promotional poster and final programme for this event are attached.

VENUE: CodeBase Stirling. FK8 2HU

ABOUT the RSE Life in Data Research Network

The RSE Life in Data Network is a collaborative project funded through generous support by the Royal Society of Edinburgh. We facilitate knowledge exchange amongst Scottish HEIs, SCIs, public and third sector partners, to explore the emergent field of data literacy, openness, education policy and creative data innovation in Scotland.

At its inception in January 2017, the Network set out to meet a number of objectives, chief among these being to map

  • how data literacy is currently understood & how understandings can shift depending on context;
  • the extent to which data literacy is fostered in the education sector in Scotland, and in the skills development sector for creative industries;
  • what it means for local governance, education policy and lifelong learning?; and
  • what the best ways are to encourage the development of creative and inclusive Scottish data community?

This conference sets out to reintroduce the original objectives of the Network in the context of these international developments, and we have invited colleagues from international partner universities to present research on the power of data literacy, the concept of Open, and what this means for various kinds of knowledge-building communities.

Presentation themes include: Ethics and Politics of Open Data; Working with Open Data; Open Learning and Open Energy; State-of-the-Art Data Journalism in China; Practices of Data Journalism in Vietnam; and Wikis as Knowledge-Building Communities.

***Please note that due to a number of recent changes in circumstance, we are now in the fortunate position to offer tickets to this event for free.***

Conference ticket link:

Ticket includes lunch and refreshments. For further enquiries, or to notify us of special dietary or access requirements, please contact the Conference Administrator, Lyana Macinnes at: [email protected]

For more information about the activities of the Life in Data RSE Research Network, please visit:

A highlights video for a previous Life in Data Event, KE Workshop#3 Creative Innovation on Scotland: Big Ideas from Small Cities, can be found here:

Further enquiries should be addressed to the Conference Administrator, Lyana Macinnes at: [email protected]

We hope to see many of you there.

Warm wishes,

Greg and Eddy  

Dr Greg Singh SFHEA FRSA
Dr Eddy Borges Rey FRSA
Co-Directors - RSE Research Network:

“Life in Data: literacy, openness, education policy and creative data innovation in Scotland”


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