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2nd International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC) - Special Newsletter

On the occasion of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC), which will take place from 28­ to 30 September 2015 in Mexico City, Mexico, we are pleased to distribute a special series of our newsletter in collaboration with Mexico City, the host of our Conference.

The special series comprises three issues. In this issue, we will introduce you to the 2nd ICLC, provide you with practical information on the registration process and answer frequently asked questions. We will also reflect on the content and outcomes of the 1st ICLC, which was held in Beijing, China, in 2013. Finally, we hope to whet your appetite by giving you some insights into Mexican history, culture and cuisine.

In the next two issues, you will receive more detailed information on the Conference’s themes, venues and speakers, as well as practical information regarding the hotels, getting to Mexico City and getting around the Conference venues.

For further information and questions, please visit the Conference website at or contact us at learningcities(at)  

We hope that you enjoy reading these special issues of our newsletter and we look forward to a successful event.


Introducing the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities


Press Release: Towards Building Sustainable Learning Cities

2nd International Conference on Learning Cities 28–30 September 2015, Mexico City, Mexico. more

Frequently asked questions

We hope that following FAQs will help you prepare for the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities. more

A short recap


What is a learning city?

By facilitating lifelong learning for all, learning cities create and reinforce individual empowerment and social cohesion, economic and cultural prosperity, and sustainable development. more
Beijing Conference Ⓒ UIL

Learning cities go from strength to strength

A review of the success of the 1st International Conference on Learning Cities. more

Mexican Insights

Palacio de Minéra - (CC) Protoplasma Kid

Welcome to Mexico City

The 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities will take place in the Historic Centre of Mexico City, a UNESCO World Heritage Site presenting the history of both the pre-Hispanic and colonial era. more
¡Felicidades México! (cc) Cristiano Oliveira

Independence day in Mexico

The Conference is following the most important holiday in Mexico. Independence day in Mexico is celebrated on 16 September with parades, festivals and feasts. more
The Mexican Fiesta  - (CC)

Mexican cuisine - A culinary highlight for participants

Because of its comprehensive cultural model comprising farming, ritual practices, age-old skills, culinary techniques and ancestral community customs and manners, traditional Mexican cuisine has been on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2010. more
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