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CLAYSS news in Central and Eastern Europe

We are happy to share with you some news reagrding our SL activities in Central and Eastern Europe. Feel free to spread the word in your countries through schools, universities, teacher training institutions, youth organizations, Ministries of Education, etc.

For further information please visit: or write to: [email protected]

See you there!


Service-Learning Conference in Central and Eastern Europe

The Second Service-Learning Conference in Central and Eastern Europe, to be held on 5th July 2019 at Transylvania College (Al. Baisoara 2A, Cluj Napoca, Cluj, Romania). The Conference will address theoretical and practical aspects of working on Service-Learning, as well as will portray successful examples of Service-Learning projects from the region and abroad. This event aims at motivating everyone to build inspiring Service-Learning experiences, through delivering training sessions and mentoring SL projects in the region.
Some funds for travel and accommodation will be available for colleagues from Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania, Slovakia and Montenegro, in case you are in contact with anyone who may be interested. The Conference itself has no cost.

Call for papers open until May 17th

In case you delivered SL training or you are implementing Service-Learning projects in your school, university, civil society organization and you want to share your experiences, we offer you an opportunity to do it during the the Conference. Presentation of successful Service-Learning projects will take place during the concurrent sessions with a 20-minute presentation time in the second part of the Conference agenda (afternoon of July 5th).

To submit a presentation proposal: Write to [email protected] with a summary in English (maximum 3 pages) Including: TITLE; Author(s); Institutional affiliation; Subject area and keywords (up to five) and brief description of the experience. Please make sure to include answers to the following questions: in what way/s did students participate? How did the community participate? What curricular content was included and how? What activities were developed?

Presentations should be made in English or Romanian language. The reception of presentations will be open until May 17th.

Academic Committee for the Service-Learning Week will make final selection of presentations in accordance with Criteria of successful Service-Learning projects provided in the document of instructions.

You will receive a confirmation via e-mail. If you need a formal invitation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

*Conference Objectives: Spread the Service-Learning pedagogy Gather, share ideas and practice and envision the future of Service-Learning for the region.
*Audience: Trainers and mentors in Service-Learning at a regional level, representatives of all levels of education from countries of Central and Eastern Europe (preschools, schools, universities, teacher training institutions, civil society organizations, ministries of education and other institutions connected to the educational sector).
*Activities: Presentations and workshops for participants with diverse experience in the development of Service-Learning practices and with the participation of leading specialists from Latin America and Europe.

2nd. SL Week in Central and Eastern Europe

This Service-Learning Week combine the following events:

1 A.  Training for Trainers - to be confirmed - 2nd-3rd of July

1 B.  Training  in Service-Learning pedagogy - 3rd-4th of July (details:

2 Visit to SL projects & Stakeholders meeting  - 4th July

3 Conference of trainers and mentors in Service-Learning - 5th July

4 CEE SL Network Annual Meeting - 6th July

All events are organized under the coordination of Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario – CLAYSS, with the valuable support of the Central and Eastern European Service-Learning Network in partnership local institutions: Transylvania College, New Horizons Foundations and Babes Bolyai University.
The Service-Learning Week will be an opportunity for the exchange and cooperation, it will offer open training, conference, meetings, workshops and discussion panels for the exchange with experienced SL mentors and contributors to the development of SL practices and programs. The event will feature leading specialists from Latin America and Europe.
During this week there will be activities aimed at SL teachers, trainers, school principals, representatives of school inspectorates and of Ministries of Education, higher education institutions, pedagogical institutions, in-service teacher training Institutions as well as NGOs, civil society organizations, companies and community representatives involved in SL projects or opened to.

For further information please visit: or write to: [email protected]


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