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CMA meeting with UNESCO's CEO Mrs Bokova on Jun 5th, 2013

On Wednesday, June 5th, 2013, the World Committee for Lifelong Learning (CMA) was received by Irina Bokova, Chief Executive Officer of UNESCO.

In the presence of Qian Tang, General Assistant Manager for Education at UNESCO, the CMA was represented by  Marlena, Yves Attou, Alexandre Ginoyer and Alfonso Lizarzaburu (from left to right in the photo below).

President Yves Attou recalled that the CMA was born in 2005 under Michael Omelewa's sponsorship, whilst Ambassador of Nigeria and President of the General Conference of UNESCO. During these eight business years, three world forums and six international seminars were organized in partnership with UNESCO. The CMA formulated its operations within the framework of the priorities of the Program of UNESCO.

Should you wish to send message/flyer /actions you are planning in your country,area or territory, please do not hesitate.

Kind regards to all of you

Michel Panet
General Delegate CMA


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