The Belém Framework for Action (BFA) was adopted by 144 UNESCO Member States at the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI), which took place in 2009 in Belém, Brazil. The BFA sets out Member States’ commitments to developing policies and programmes, improving governance, increasing funding, widening participation and improving quality in adult learning and education (ALE), and to monitoring and reporting on national progress. UNESCO was asked to coordinate the monitoring process at the global level. It does this by conducting national surveys, and by analysing and publishing the data obtained from Members States in the Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE). Three of these reports have been published since 2009; the third, GRALE III, was launched at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris during this year’s fiftieth anniversary of International Literacy Day. GRALE III provides arguments for an inter-sectoral approach to ALE and examines the impact of ALE on health and well-being; employment and the labour market; and social, civic and community life. GRALE III also outlines the ways in which ALE can help achieve the targets of the Education 2030 Framework for Action and the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As the UNESCO entity responsible for following up on the BFA, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) will organize a series of regional launches for GRALE III. In order to share the report’s main findings and develop insights into their implications for various world regions, UIL will work with UNESCO regional offices and national and international partners such as the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), the International Council of Adult Education (ICAE), the European Commission and the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International). GRALE III provides compelling evidence of ALE’s positive impact on sustainable development, particularly when it is embedded within a lifelong learning framework. The report also provides examples of good practice from all over the world. I have no doubt that policymakers, practitioners and researchers will find these very helpful when designing and implementing ALE programmes.
Arne Carlsen
Director UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education calls on countries to invest in lifelong learning
Adult learning and education can improve health and well-being, employment opportunities and develop local communities, according to the Third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE III), produced by UNESCO’s Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). The main objective of the report, launched on the 50th anniversary of International Literacy Day (UNESCO HQ, 8 September 2016), is to take stock of countries’ progress in implementing commitments to adult learning and education (ALE) made at the 2009 International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI). The study, drawing on 139 countries’ response to the GRALE III survey, shows that most States have made progress in ALE policy development; governance; financing; participation, inclusion and equity; and quality since 2009. Furthermore, 124 countries consider that ALE has had a strong impact on health and well-being, active citizenship, social cohesion, diversity and tolerance. GRALE III also makes a case for the major contribution that ALE could bring to meeting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Read More
Taking lifelong learning for youth and adults in the Caribbean from rhetoric to action
Ministers of education, representatives of related ministries, education specialists and civil society representatives from seventeen countries in the Caribbean came together in Montego Bay, Jamaica, for a major sub-regional meeting on youth and adult learning and education. The purpose of the two-day ministerial meeting, which took place on 30 June and 1 July 2016, was to follow up on the implementation of the action areas agreed upon in 2009 at the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) in Belém, Brazil. Participants affirmed their countries’ commitment to making lifelong learning ‘a necessity and not an option’. They agreed that this will involve developing contextualized policies and strategies that address the specific learning and education challenges facing the Caribbean sub-region. Read more
The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) will host Professor Kjell Rubenson as its 2016 ‘UIL Scholar in Residence' from 1 to 31 October. Professor Rubenson has wide-ranging expertise in lifelong learning and adult learning and education. He has a longstanding relationship with UIL and has contributed to its work in research, publication and policy. In particular, he contributed to UNESCO’s third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE III), which will be launched in September 2016. Read more
Fostering lifelong learning through the effective recognition, validation and accreditation of basic youth and adult education
On 23 and 24 June 2016, UNESCO led an international expert meeting on the Recognition, Validation and Accreditation of Basic Youth and Adult Education as a Foundation for Lifelong Learning at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) in Hamburg. Participants of the meeting identified and analysed major trends, challenges and recommendations for the recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of basic education. This was the second in a series of meetings examining the findings of a desk review of existing policies, systems and practical approaches to RVA of youth and adult basic education. The meetings are part of a collaborative research project led by UIL and UNESCO Headquarters’ Section of Partnership, Cooperation and Research. Read more
Towards comprehensive teacher education: Going beyond formal to include non-formal education
Mali is currently working towards developing a new teacher education plan. The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) is supporting the country in integrating a module to serve as a basis for the training of educators in the sub-sector of non-formal education. The Ministry of Education develops training materials on reading, writing and maths in non-formal education, cooperating with the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), the UNESCO Office in Bamako and the International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA). Tapping into the expertise of these institutions will help in building a comprehensive and inclusive module for training, that includes non-formal education. Read more
Recognizing Green Skills in Non-formal Learning Settings
‘Green skills’ have emerged as a response to global sustainable development challenges linked to environmental protection, economic development and social inclusion. As a result, many countries are involved in fostering their citizens’ and workers’ ‘green skills’. There is need to develop policies that offer clear directions on how to provide recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of these ‘skills’, including those acquired in formal and informal economic sectors. To work towards this objective, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), on 30 and 31 August 2016 hosted a Symposium entitled ‘Recognizing Green Skills in Non-Formal Learning Settings: A Comparative study in Asia’ at its premises in Hamburg, Germany. Read more
Promoting Adult Learning and Education in Turkey within the new Agenda for Sustainable Development
At the request of the Directorate General for Lifelong Learning in Turkey, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) took part in a workshop in Antalya in May 2016. The workshop was organized by the national team of the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE), which was established by the European Commission in 2015 to showcase and promote methods of good practice in the field of adult learning and education. Read more