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EU Lead Market Initiative for Sustainable Construction: Towards More Regulatory Homogeneity and Attention

Sep 27 2011 11:00
ANU Centre for European Studies
67c/1 Liversidge St, Acton

Dr Jeroen van der Heijden - Regulatory Institutions Network, Australian National University

Tuesday 27 September 2011, 11:00am – 12:30pm

Understanding the negative impact of the construction industry and the built environment on the natural environment, the European Commission aims to harmonize and improve the regulatory frameworks for sustainable construction in EU member countries. Through the EU Lead Market Initiative for sustainable construction the Commission aims to support the European region in becoming the world leader in sustainable construction. In this seminar Dr Van der Heijden questions what topics of sustainable construction are currently regulated in Europe; to what extent there is homogeneity in this regulation across EU member countries; and what strategies the European Commission may apply to improve both the homogeneity in and attention for sustainable construction regulation among member states. In a recent research project into European sustainable construction regulation, Dr Van der Heijden found that current EU Directives in this field have a positive effect, but may be too resource-intensive to address the existing environmental risks in time. A number of alternative strategies are discussed.

Dr Jeroen van der Heijden is a research fellow at the Australian National University and an assistant professor at Delft University of Tech-nology (Department of Technology, Policy and Management) in The Netherlands. Dr Van der Heijden’s general research interest is in regulation and governance. In particular he addresses public sector reform, hybridization of governance and voluntarism; and, climate change and environmental policy. His work is comparative in nature; cross-country and cross-sectoral. Dr Van der Heijden earned a Master’s Degree in Architecture from Delft University of Technology in 2002. Before returning to this University to take up his doctorate research in 2005, he worked in a private consultancy agency. In 2009 he obtained his Doctorate in public administration, and during 2010 he was a visiting research fellow at Oxford University.

Venue: ANU Centre for European Studies, 1 Liversidge Street (Bldg 67C), Canberra

Parking: please see the Visitor Parking Map

RSVP: [email protected] by Monday 26 September

ANUCES is an initiative involving four ANU Colleges (Arts and Social Sciences, Law, Business and Economics and Asia and the Pacific) co-funded by the ANU and the European Commission.


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