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European Universities move towards publishing a report on cultural diversity in higher education

The European University Continuing Education ( EUCEN) network has launched a consultation in Brussels on how to integrate cultural diversity into higher education. Rob Mark, PASCAL Learning Cities Coordinator, was invited to join a group of experts from 18 countries to discuss issues raised in two preliminary reports.

From left to right – Ms Carmen Royo, EUCEN  Executive Secretary , Dr  Rob Mark. PASCAL Learning Cities Coordinator, Professor Francoise de Viron, Catholic University of Louvain and  EUCEN President and  Dr Betty Yue , Head of Continuing Professional Development,  Imperial College , London.

Higher Education Institutions are facing the need to manage diversity both in students and staff. Inclusive learning strategies and teaching methods are needed for students and academics with migrant backgrounds.  The reports recognise that as European societies become increasingly diverse due to migration and globalisation patterns, diversity will have many different impacts on education.

The consultation also recognises the need for policies to support cultural diversity at European and national level and within universities themselves. It included panels of experts from across the sector who spent time debating the preliminary findings of the project.

A full project report   will be made available following a dissemination conference to be held in Barcelona in November 2018.


Rob Mark


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