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Final Report - 2021 Wyndham Learning Festival

Following the successful completion of the Wyndham Learning Festival 2021 from 1-5 September 2021 and the subsequent evaluation, the final report is now available.

The Wyndham Learning Festival (WLF) is Wyndham’s largest annual learning event, focusing on promoting learning across the lifespan. Following a challenging year for all in 2020, the 2021 WLF was a smaller, curated program ensuring that all community members had the opportunity to find a learning event of interest.

With the theme of Re-emerge, Connect & Thrive’, the 2021 WLF provided a celebration for the community living through a challenging time and offered hope for re-emerging brighter and better into the future!

As collaborators on the delivery of the Festival, now in its sixth year, the Wyndham Community and Education Centre (Wyndham CEC) and Wyndham City Council (WCC) share a passion for learning and recognise the far-reaching social, economic, environmental, and cultural benefits of

promoting lifelong learning. Whilst initially planned as a hybrid event, the 2021 Festival was switched to completely online due to a prolonged lockdown in Victoria. This meant that some events could not proceed, as they did not translate into the virtual space, reducing the number of events offered to 43 (down from a planned, smaller than previous years 55 events).

One objective of the curated program was to enable providers to run smaller, interactive events. The ability to interact with attendees, and to meaningfully field questions from the audience met the needs of both event providers and participants, particularly at this challenging time.

Approximately 1400 people attended the 43 events that made up the 2021 WLF, with over 1800 people registering.

The report, featuring a strong impact quantitive evaluation focus, is available through this link:

The Wyndham Learning Festival project supports Learning Community Strategy 2018-2023 Action 1.


Warm Regards


Jac Torres-Gomez|  Learning Community Officer | Libraries and Community Learning | Hoppers Crossing Library
Werribee, Victoria 3030       |  [email protected]  |



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