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First Meeting of Learning Cities of Argentina

Villa Maria hosted the First Meeting of Learning Cities of Argentina on March 10 and 11, 2022. Representatives from Argentinian cities members of the UNESCO GNLC Global Network Learning Cities participated in the meeting.  The cities were Villa María in Córdoba, La Matanza in Buenos Aires, and San Justo in Santa Fe.

First Meeting of Learning Cities of Argentina

Mrs Angélica Alvarado Juárez, mayor of Huejotzingo in Puebla, Mexico, took part in the event representing the Mexican Network of Learning Cities. Similarly, mayors and officials from the Provinces of Entre Ríos, Buenos Aires, Santa Fe and 20 municipal mayors from the Province of Córdoba attended the meeting. The Coordinator of the UNESCO GNLC, Dr Raúl Valdés Cotera, and the Executive Secretary of the Permanent Technical Secretariat of Mercocities, Mr Jorge Rodríguez, took part in the greeting ceremony. The call included representatives from Universities, the Latin American Institute of Social Studies, educational institutions, the press, and the public.

The first panel explored the successful practices and experiences of Villa María, La Matanza and San Justo as learning cities. The second panel addressed effective lifelong learning policies shared by the municipalities of Firmat and Avellaneda (Santa Fe), Concepción del Uruguay (Entre Ríos) and Las Varillas (Córdoba). Moreover, the participants received guidance on the application process to join the UNESCO GNLC. A discussion took place to draft the Constitutive Act of the National Network of Learning Cities of Argentina. This policy document included the figure of associates that allows linking other communities and cities that are not part of the GNLC.

By unanimous decision, the representatives elected the city of Villa María to coordinate the Argentinian Network of Learning Cities for one year. This opportunity considers the responsibility to develop a Technical Secretariat with representatives of Villa María, José C Paz, La Matanza and San Justo.

As part of the activities, the participants visited iconic learning spaces in Villa Maria. For example, the representatives visited the Tecnoteca as a place devoted to science, technology, art and communication. They also visited the Municipal Public Media Library, which offers free access to technology. Likewise, the Railway Museum represents the history of the railway in the city. The campus and the cloisters of the National University of Villa María were part of the learning spaces. A Family Promotion Centre dedicated to children's education from 45 days old to 3 years old. Lastly, the participants explored the Municipal Public Amphitheater as a space for international artistic performances.

The Secretary of Education of Argentina, Dr Silvina Gvirtz, attended the Second Day of activities. She took part in a panel on Regional Alliances for Learning and Sustainable Development. Also, Mr Ab Martín Gill, Mayor of Villa Maria and Mrs Angelica Alvarado Juarez, Mayor of Huejotzingo spoke at the panel.

The last panel dealt with Challenges of Education in the post-pandemic from the perspective of local governments with the intervention of representatives of the cities of San Justo, Concepción del Uruguay and Huejotzingo. As a conclusion of the event, representatives of Villa María, La Matanza and San Justo signed the Constitutive Document of the Network of Learning Cities of Argentina. The associated cities are Concepción del Uruguay, Avellaneda, Firmat, Rio I, Las Varillas, Cruz Alta, Alta Gracia, General Deheza, Malvinas Argentinas, Sampacho, Brinkmann, Oncativo, La Para, Cintra, General Paz Station, Corral de Bustos, La Paquita, Colonia San Pedro, Villa Nueva, General Roca. The agreement foresees that other cities wishing to join the network could do so as associated cities.

Regional, national, and local networks benefit from a common language, history, interests and challenges. This Network will strengthen the scope of the UNESCO GNLC by spreading the values of lifelong learning among surrounding cities. The entire learning community of Argentina celebrated this initiative that will benefit our country.

Villa María, March 2022


First Meeting of Learning Cities of Argentina
Villa María


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