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FREE Webinar Series: Navigating Main Streets as Places - Project for Public Spaces

Did you hear the news? Last week at the 3rd International Placemaking Week in Chattanooga, TN, we released Navigating Main Streets as Places: A People-First Transportation Toolkit in partnership with Main Street America.

You're Invited: Free Webinar Series

Did you hear the news? Last week at the 3rd International Placemaking Week in Chattanooga, TN, we released Navigating Main Streets as Places: A People-First Transportation Toolkit in partnership with Main Street America.
This free, one-stop-shop toolkit features best practices for rural downtowns and urban commercial districts through both a downloadable handbook and an online resource library. We'll also be offering a free, four-part webinar series beginning on October 29th. Read more here.

Webinar 1: Introduction

Tue, Oct 29, 2019 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST
This Introductory webinar explores how the toolkit came to be, how the toolkit content is relevant to today’s Main Street communities, and provides an overview of what is to come in the three following webinars. This webinar will give viewers a base of information for the following three webinars and how they can be involved throughout the process.

Webinar 2: Why Transportation Matters for Main Street

Tue, Nov 5, 2019 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST
This webinar will take a deep look at the content from Chapter 1: Transportation Matters for Great Main Streets. This interactive session explains why transportation and streets matter for commercial districts by examining their potential costs and benefits across six key areas: equity, safety, health, economic vitality, environmental sustainability, and community.

Webinar 3: Nuts and Bolts of People-First Streets

Tue, Nov 12, 2019 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST
Our third “masterclass” installment focuses on the nuts and bolts of various elements that directly impact the quality of Main Street transportation networks in the areas of streetscape and pedestrian design, vehicular traffic, and parking. For each of these areas, we offer recommendations for infrastructure, programming strategies, and policy solutions. Along with a robust community process, these recommendations can be adapted and used to inspire your projects, to share as examples with fellow stakeholders, and to create the foundation for streets.

Webinar 4: Building a Better Street Together

Tue, Nov 19, 2019 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST
Our final installment focused on how to put the knowledge and tools presented in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 into action through an intentional process of building knowledge, building partnerships, and then building a plan that is reflective of a community’s needs and capabilities. This chapter provides actionable steps on how to assess your street conditions, engage your community, and create collective buy-in around your revitalization planning, projects, and programs.
Download the Navigating Main Streets as Places toolkit and register for the free webinar series now!

Copyright © 2019 Project for Public Spaces, PPS, All rights reserved.


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