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Funding Opportunities, Partner Searches and Policy information

A selection of European funding opportunities which may be of interest to PASCAL members, partners, associates and affiliates:

Partner Searches

Vinnova (Swedish Innovation and Growth Agency) program

The Swedish Cluster organization Future Position X is, together with the Swedish Transport Administration, launching a pre-study about future road traffic management.

The initiative is called PAIR - for Predict and Act Instead of React. The pre-study is performed as a “Phase A project” within the Vinnova (Swedish Innovation and Growth Agency) program Challenge driven innovation. Until March 2012 the goal is to form a consortium and a larger project. The major task is to develop smarter systems for road traffic management in large cities.

More information can be found at

Contact: Lars Forslof, Manager Strategic Alliances Future Position X - [email protected], 00 46 72 242 66 20


Mellerud Municipality would like to get in touch with European organizations interested in sharing experiences and exchanging best practices with an aim to cooperate in a Comenius Partnership project or Comenius In-Service Training.

Key words: Storyline, school curriculums, skills development, systematic quality assurance, small schools.

The main objective of the Comenius projects would be to exchange experiences with schools in small villages with few pupils/teachers (similar size to ours) that work with Storyline.

For more information: Karin Andersson, Head teacher

E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: +46 530 18236 

Lillesand lower secondary school is located in the southern part of Norway, Agder region. They are looking for partners in a Comenius project focusing on improving the schools strategies for assessment for learning (13-16 years). The city, and the municipality, is located on the coastline of South-Norway and has approximately 9500 inhabitants.

For more information and contact details, please read attachment or contact [email protected]

A French school (Lycée) located in Burgundy (NE of France, between Paris and Lyon) with students aged from 16 to 18 years old (+ or -) would like to start a new Comenius multilateral project in 2012-LLL-Application.

Partners: minimum three High schools (but more partners would allow a better cross-analyse in Europe)

Please note: This proposal concerns exclusively establishments (High school or universities) having a real experience in the proposed subject or expecting to initiate a project in this way.


  • Studying the transition from high school to the university and to analyse the educational supports existing in Europe.
  • Starting from the French experience called “French taught program”, to study how to facilitate the access to university for students of other European countries (and especially (in the described situation) /for non-French speaker students).
  • Analysing how these new curricula or systems participate to the mobility in Europe.

Aims of the project:

a. Mutual knowledge of teaching

b. To develop the topic: “from High school to university “

c. To start the experience with the example of the “French Taught program” (and others if available)

d. To develop the mobility in Europe

A preparatory visit is planned in January 2012.

For more information contact [email protected].


 The London Safeguarding Child Board provides strategic advice and support to London’s 32 Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs). Its membership is made up of representatives from the London boroughs, the police, health, and probation, and London independent, voluntary and community agencies. The Domestic Violence Project Group is seeking partners to participate in developing a project under the Daphne III programme. The Project Group is made up of representatives of local councils and Barnardos, the UK’s leading children’s charity.

The aim of the project is to increase the number of multi agency staff working directly with children who able to identify and respond effectively to improve the safety of those living with domestic violence. This is intended to reduce the risk of harm to children and young people living with domestic violence by ensuring that staff coming into direct contact with them are better equipped to accurately identify the levels of risk they are experiencing.

If your organisation is interested in participating, and is able to provide the 20% match funding that Daphne III requires, please do not hesitate to contact me on +44 (0) 20 7940 1559 or at [email protected]. Please can you pass this message on to any organisations who may be interested.


Europe for Citizens programme

 “Networking of Twinned Towns”

A brief summary of project idea

Encourage interaction between citizens and civil society organisations from all participating countries, contributing to; intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and tolerance, sense of belonging and solidarity, bringing to the fore both Europe’s diversity and unity, developing a sense of European identity based on common values, history and culture, through the performing arts.

For more information contact:

Gordon Curtis BMus(Hons), Gordon Curtis (Music Events) Limited.

01903 745 212

07799 142 334

[email protected]


Mellerud Municipality is pleased to communicate their interest to collaborate in the field of Leonardo da Vinci Mobility project. Mellerud would like to get in touch with European organizations interested in sharing experiences and exchanging best practices in including people with disabilities on the regular labour market.

For more information contact:

Annelie Törnros

Head of Unit “Daily Activities”

E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone:  +4653018122


Mobility of Electronic Security Systems apprentices


Short Description       

to encourage the exchange of expertise, cultural and professional developments between European countries, whilst improving technical and employability skills of participants

Deadline for expression of interest                 20th December 2011

Deadline for submission                                 2nd February 2012

Type of partner required

We are looking for a host company in Western Europe with a proven track record in the area of Electronic Security Systems who can bring expertise, skills and experience of working within the sector to the project

For more information: West Midlands EU Projects

Enhancement of qualifications and vocational training within regulated sectors of the Security industry


Short Description       

to take forward areas of European training which could be mapped into what would become a 'European Recognition Framework' based upon the precedent set down by the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).

Deadline for expression of interest     21st December 2011

Deadline for submission                     2nd February 2012

Type of partner required                    

We are looking for European partners who can represent their country and feed into planned comparative work on regulatory practices. Partners will each be assigned a role to carry out during the project

For more information: West Midlands EU Projects


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