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Latest news on European Research in Learning and Work [L&W] - April 2019

In this edition of the L&W Newsletter you should note in particular several calls for papers relating to international conferences: the UFHRD Doctoral symposium in Nottingham, the UALL Work and Learning network conference in London, the EDI stream on Diversity and Precarious Work in Rotterdam, the CVER conference in London, the PASCAL conference in Cork, the European Access Network conference in Ghent, the BIBB conference in Siegburg, the ProPEL conference in Sydney and the ReNAdET meeting in Thessaloniki; also calls for papers relating to a book on VET in the age of digitalization, and to special issues of journals: on the economics of vocational education (ERVET), on continuing training (IJTD), on international mobility (JIM/ERASMUS+), on gender hegemony (HRDI) and on adult learning and sustainability (RELA).

And not to overlook the following offer: the EMCC's new Research Award and the request for volunteers!

Special thanks to all who contributed information for this edition, and also to our partners CR&DALL, CVER, PASCAL International Observatory, UFHRD, UNEVOC, VET&Culture and VETNET for providing input and sharing the L&W Newsletter via their mailing lists and web portals!

The L&W Newsletter focuses on transnational research activities across Europe in the field of human resource development (HRD) and vocational education and training (VET), centred on major categories: conferences, networks, programmes, projects and publications. The next edition will appear in early June 2019. You are invited to submit short texts (100 to 200 words, including links to web pages, but without attachments) - please by 31 May 2019 at the latest!

The L&W Newsletter reaches you via a mailing list of experts in and beyond Europe. You can also view the latest edition in the relaunched WIFO Gateway and download the L&W Newsletter in PDF. Please pass the Newsletter on to your colleagues and networks.

With best wishes

Sabine Manning
Research Forum WIFO
Editor of the L&W Newsletter
Contact: [email protected]


Crossing boundaries in VET: Update
3rd International VET Conference "Crossing Boundaries in Vocational Education and Training: Pedagogical concerns and market demands" 2-3 May 2019, València, Spain
In the link to the conference website you will find important information about the 3rd International Conference "Crossing Boundaries in Vocational Education and Training" (VETNET/IRNVET) that will take place in València from May 2nd (9:00) to May 3rd (18.00; dinner and a social event will follow afterwards). In the link you find a preliminary version of the program, the location of the venue, indications on how to arrive, as well as some further suggestions for accommodation. We have also prepared a questionnaire that you find in the same link and that will help us to sort out organizations issues: We kindly ask every individual participant at the conference to please complete it before April 12th; the costs we will incur in the conference as organizers depend on your answers (as well as the organization of the closing dinner and final event, that has to be paid for individually). Looking forward to welcoming you in València, best regards, María José Chisvert and Fernando Marhuenda.
(Posted by Fernando Marhuenda <[email protected]>)

UFHRD 2019: Doctoral symposium
The University Forum of Human Resource Development (UFHRD), Nottingham Business School (NBS), and the Centre of People, Work and Organisational Practice are delighted to host a Doctoral Symposium (Monday, 24 June 2019) for PhD/DBA students in conjunction with the 20th Anniversary UFHRD Conference at NBS, Nottingham Trent University. The UFHRD2019 Doctoral Symposium offers a great opportunity to join a vibrant community of PhD/DBA students in order to initiate an invigorating and thought-provoking dialogue through various networking events and workshops with academics and other doctoral students across the globe. It is a unique vantage point to share your work with active living researchers and professionals from around the world, as well as to explore beyond established, taken-for-granted assumptions about research and knowledge in a supportive and friendly environment. Participants are invited to submit their abstract & poster by visiting our Ex Ordo submission system (setup an account first):  For more information, delegates could visit our website: or directly contact Dr Fotios Mitsakis ([email protected]). Key deadlines for your diary: Abstract submission: 28 April 2019. Poster submission: 3 June 2019.
(Posted by Fotios Mitsakis <[email protected]>)

UALL Work and Learning: Call for papers
This is the first call for papers for the UALL (Universities Association for Lifelong Learning) Work and Learning Network Conference 2019. The Conference, focusing on Learning for, at and through work: capturing workplace learning for transformative higher education, will take place on 28 June 2019 at the  University of the Arts, Holborn, London, UK. There will be: keynotes, presentations, workshops, poster sessions, networking. The conference will address the following themes: Opportunities and challenges for apprenticeship learning; Accreditation and individual recognition of pre-existing learning; Mental health and work-based learning; Industry credentials and accreditation; Working practice organisations; Conceptualising Trust amongst partners/ mentors/ coaches; Digital Learning (artificial intelligence, online portfolios, learning analytics). We invite delegates to suggest further collaborative topics for the day’s discussion. Proposals for Conference presentations/ workshops/ posters (300-500 words maximum) should be sent to the co-convenors by the 18th April 2019. For more information, please contact: Elda Nikolou-Walker ([email protected]), Paula Nottingham ([email protected]), Jon Talbot ([email protected]). Further information about UALL (The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning) and its networks can be found here.
(Info received from PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest/ Website)

EDI conference 2019: Call for papers

Please consider submitting  a paper or extended abstract to our Stream "Diversity and Precarious Work" at the 12th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) International Conference 22 - 24 July 2019 in Rotterdam. Precarious work has deleterious effects on vulnerable demographic groups worldwide affecting women, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, among others, experiencing in and out of work poverty. It seems, however, that in some cases precarious forms of employment is the only way to secure work. Given the limited opportunities for conventional forms of employment, precarious work, also via digital labour platforms, may provide earning opportunities, allowing vulnerable groups to transcend local labour markets and gain employment. The stream seeks to unpack this research and develop a more nuanced understanding of the various contexts, experiences and consequences of precarious work. We welcome conceptual, theoretical and/or empirical papers that provoke new ways of thinking about diversity and precarious work. Submissions to the conference can be in the form of long abstracts (5 pages minimum) and full papers by the deadline of April 26th, 2019. For details please visit
(Info received from Elina Meliou <[email protected]> via UFHRD mailing list)

CVER conference: Call for papers

The Centre for Vocational Education Research (CVER) at the London School of Economics (LSE) is holding a conference on the economics of vocational education and training on 12-13 September 2019. Keynote speakers include Professor Uschi Backes-Gellner (University of Zurich) and Professor Eric Bettinger (Stanford Univerity). We would like to invite papers on any aspect of the economics of vocational education and training. Please submit a full paper or an extended abstract by 15 May 2019 to [email protected] The conference will be held in London and will be free to attend but no funds are available for accommodation/travel. Full papers are preferred over extended abstracts. Decisions will be made soon after the deadline. For more information please visit CVER conference 2019.

(Info received from Centre for Vocational Education Research <[email protected]>)

ESREA conference: Update
ESREA 9th Triannial European Research Conference hosted by the Department of Andragogy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia, September 19-22, 2019
This conference explores the topic "Adult education research and practice between the welfare state and neoliberalism". It is an opportunitiy to gather researchers and scholars - from all adult education disciplines and sectors, from academia, policy and practice - in order to discuss how the tectonic shifts in economic, political and social models shape adult education. The conference aims to explore what happens with adult education during this shift, how the post-modern world, marked by the neoliberal economies, the growing power of ICT and the privatisation of services, is influencing concepts, practices and research in adult education in its various fields. We invite researchers employing theoretical, empirical, historical, comparative and other approaches which explore these questions and topics to join us in Belgrade. For further information please view the Conference website.
(Info drawn from ESREA Newsletter posted by Robert Aman <[email protected]>)

PASCAL conference: Call for papers
The XVIth PASCAL Conference from 16-19 October 2019, will have a focus on adult/lifelong learning, place-making and cohesion. This three-day international conference will bring together scholars and practitioners who develop learning opportunities in community settings. The themes of resilience and lifelong learning will cover some of the key challenges to be explored among experts and with stakeholders and community people in Cork UNESCO Learning City and at the Skellig Centre for Research and Innovation in the Skellig Coast area of the Iveragh peninsula in county Kerry. To help us focus on some key challenges we offer the following working themes for the conference: Learning Cities and Learning Rural Communities. The deadline for submission of Proposals is June 30th 2019. Early submissions are encouraged as the committee will adjudicate on proposals on an ongoing basis and will issue advance acceptances prior to the closing date. Please express your interest at the Conference website
(Info received from PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest/ Website)

EAN 2019: Call for papers
This year's conference of the European Access Network (EAN) will be held in Ghent (Belgium) 28-30 October 2019. EAN encourages better policy making and improves best practices through the sharing of ideas and knowledge and by connecting policy makers, researchers, experts and practitioners. The general theme of this year is Drivers for change: policy and practices. It consists of three tracks: Foundations for policy; Inspiring practices for the future; Policy in practice. Deadline for submission is May 1, 2019. Details of the conference themes can be looked up here.
(Info received from CR&DALL Site Digest/ Website)

BIBB conference: Call for papers
2nd BIBB Conference on the Economics of Vocational Education and Training: Markets - Institutions - Systems, 7th and 8th November 2019 in Siegburg (Germany)
The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Germany is organizing this conference to bring together researchers from all fields of research on the economics of VET, and to discuss the most recent empirical and theoretical research results on this subject. We encourage the submission of extended abstracts (1000 to 1200 words) or full papers presenting new empirical or theoretical evidence in the field of the economics of VET. Submission of contributions until 15th of May 2019 to [email protected]. Authors are also encouraged to submit their accepted conference papers for publication in a special issue "The Economics of Vocational Education and Training" of the peer-reviewed journal "Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training" (see Publications). Please visit the Conference website. Registration is open between 1st of August and the 28th of October 2019.
(Info provided by Michael Schwarz via UNESCO-UNEVOC TVeT Forum digest/ TVeT Forum messages)

ProPEL 2019: Call for papers extended

The 4th International Conference on Professional Practice, Education and Learning (ProPEL2019) will take place 9-11 December 2019 at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. ProPEL is a collaborative, multi-professional international network, launched in 2010 at the University of Stirling, to promote research and knowledge exchange in issues of professional education, practice and learning. The main theme of the conference this year is Provocations and Possibilities. The conference includes the following sub-themes: Sites of professional work; Digital disruptions, learning and technologies; Ethics and responsibilities (re)imagined; Knowledge and ignorance; Questioning professions and professionals; Methodologies and methods; Learning in practice. We welcome submissions for: Individual papers, Symposia  and Posters. Your 250 word abstract for papers, posters and 3MTs, or 1000 word abstracts for symposia, should be submitted by 3 April 2019. Studies in Continuing Education has agreed to produce a special issue in conjunction with the conference, as it did for the previous ProPEL conference. Further information on andTwitter: If you have any questions, please email: [email protected].
(Info received from CR&DALL Site Digest/ Website)

NOTE: Forthcoming and recent events related to European research in work and learning are listed on the WIFO Conference page [].

Networks and Organisations

ReNAdET meeting: Call for proposals
The 6th Biennial Meeting of the ESREA ReNAdET (Adult Educators, Trainers and their Professional Development network) will take place in Thessaloniki16-18 October 2019. The theme of our meeting this year is "Adult educators in times of changing cultures: embracing diversity for empowerment and inspiration". The main issue to be addressed in the 6th meeting of ReNAdET is to look into the various levels of diversity in adult education focusing on the role/s of adult educators:  educators working in formal/non-formal educational structures; learners starting/ending their professional career; territories, learners and educators. The idea is to discuss the kind of support adult educators need in order to provide self-confidence and hope to learners who might feel lost, misunderstood, or even abandoned by the formal learning system. Therefore adult education professionals should be better equipped to meet the demands expressed by learners with few opportunities and faced by many barriers and obstacles in their transition to the labour market or to their social and professional integration. Abstracts of paper proposals must be submitted by June 16th 2019. For details of the call please contact George K. Zarifis ([email protected]). The meeting's website will soon will be available at:
(Info received from George K. Zarifis via ReNAdET mailing list)

Understanding formal mentoring schemes
On Thursday 12th September 2019 we will be launching our first report into Formal Mentoring in the UK at an event at Oxford Brookes University. There is anecdotal evidence that mentoring is widely used across all age groups, organisations, sectors and communities to support development and transitions, but we know little about how mentoring schemes operate and the support required to create and nurture mentoring relationships. In our report we will identify how mentoring practice may differ across sectors, how training and support is offered to mentors and mentees, the challenges scheme coordinators face and how they tackle them. We hope to arrive at: # a detailed picture of this important human developmental practice, # be able to share what works well across organisations using mentoring schemes, # identify the support mentoring coordinators need to create and operate successful schemes. We are currently engaging with organisations, from across the UK and Europe, to find out about their use of mentoring schemes. To participate in this study please link to the survey here and to sign up for our September launch event.

(Contributed by Judie Gannon <[email protected]>)

EMCC Research Award

The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) International are launching a new Research Award. To be eligible for the Award, the research must address the topics of either coaching, mentoring, or supervision. Entries will be judged on the following criteria: Significance/implications for theory and practice; Originality and innovation; Appropriateness and application of the methodology; Analysis and presentation of the data (if applicable); Quality of the literature review. Additional guidelines can be downloaded here. The judging panel will be chaired by the EMCC International Vice-president of Research and will include up to three internationally active researchers. The panel will blind review all papers. Closing date for submissions is midnight Friday 24 May 2019. Visit the EMCC International website: For any information concerning EMCC International Research please contact Kevin Brush at [email protected]
(Info received from EMCC General Secretary (Irena Sobolewska) <[email protected] via UFHRD mailing list)

EMCC seeking volunteers
EMCC international Research are seeking volunteers to participate in ground-breaking research focussed on Ethical Dilemmas in Coaching. We are seeking 25 volunteers who would be willing to take part in a 30 minute 1:1 Skype call (starting 1st week in May 2019) to explore their own ethical dilemmas, creating an understanding and shared appreciation of a variety of situations, providing a transference of knowledge and helping to steer the next phases of this research to a wider audience. Please contact Maria Biquet, Senior Researcher, on [email protected]
(Info received from EMCC General Secretary (Irena Sobolewska) <[email protected] via UFHRD mailing list)

NOTE: References to research networks in the field of European work and learning are available on the WIFO page Networks at a glance []. Contact: Sabine Manning

Programmes and Projects

Invitation to DASCHE conference
First international conference on the Erasmus+ project "Development, assessment and validation of social competences in higher education" (DASCHE), 13th June 2019 at the House of Science, Bremen, Germany
The full-day international conference is titled "Meaning and role of social competence in higher education – voices from research and practice". It includes practical and research-based contributions based on different approaches of how to implement social competence development and assessment in higher education contexts. Active discussion formats focus on a better understanding and clearer definition of social competences. Moreover, the conference offers recent empirical findings from different European countries regarding the role of social competence(s) in higher education. As a main result of the concluding panel discussion, we see the concretion and strengthened foundation of recommendations to establish social competence as a part of higher education culture and learning goals on an institutional, national and European level. For questions, to receive the agenda and to confirm your participation, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. View also our project website on
(Posted by Kristina Kuehn <[email protected]>)

Taccle VET 
The two year Erasmus Plus project - Taccle VET: Extend European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators for VET teachers and trainers - was launched in October 2018. The project builds on and extends two areas of the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigiCompEdu) critical for the practice of VET - Digital Resources and Teaching and Learning. It builds on the report's intention of the reference framework as a tool for implementing regional and national tools and training programmes. It is designed  to meet the Erasmus+ priority to introduce systematic approaches to, and opportunities for, the initial and continuous professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors in both school and work-based settings, with a focus on developing effective digital, open and innovative education and pedagogies. The project will work across the different sectors of VET. This reflects our focus on pedagogy and the development of digital learning materials as the key aim for the project. Our aim is to develop new models and programmes which can support teachers and trainers in the use of technology in all sectors of VET practice, including formal and informal learning. The project is coordinated by Aliende in Portugal, and the partners are The Institut Technik und Bildung, Bremen University, Germany; Active Citizens Partnership, Greece; the University of Valencia; and Pontydysgu, UK. The project website, along with contact details for more information, is at
(Posted by Graham Attwell <[email protected]>)

Global mobility project
The "Global Mobility of Employees" (GLOMO) project is an international research cooperation, co-ordinated by Professor Maike Andresen from the University of Bamberg, Germany. It has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 765355. GLOMO's focus is on global mobility into and between EU countries. To ensure that Europe is ready for increased migration flows, the GLOMO objectives are (a) to systematically generate knowledge about the mobility phenomenon and its implications; (b) to provide training to develop early-stage researchers' insights into the complex multidisciplinary phenomenon of mobility, and (c) to work out relevant implications for individual, organisational, country and European stakeholders. The joint research and training programme will be conducted within an interdisciplinary and intersectoral network of experts in the field. To achieve the research aims 15 early stage researcher (ESR) positions based in six universities located in Bamberg (D), Cranfield (UK), Copenhagen (DK), Amsterdam (NL), Toulouse (F) and Vasa (FI) as well as in one research institute in Nuremberg (D) and in one multinational company (F) have been created. The ESRs work on 15 interconnected research projects, rotate amongst several countries and also collaborate intensively with non-university organizations as part of an Innovative Training Network (ITN) project. For more information see
(Contributed by Cordula Barzantny <[email protected]>)
NOTE: Contributions are invited to update the Overview of European research projects [], provided as part of the WIFO Gateway. Contact: Sabine Manning


Call for papers: VET in the age of digitalization
VET and Professional Development in the Age of Digitalization. Edited by Eveline Wuttke and Jürgen Seifried. Guest editor: Helmut Niegemann. Series "Research in Vocational Education". Barbara Budrich Publisher
In the current discussion on digitalization, it is assumed that a technological development thrust is currently taking place that brings with it both opportunities and challenges. The volume "VET and Professional Development in the Age of Digitalization" will concentrate on these challenges and opportunities for work and workplace learning as well as for vocational education and (further) training. Contributions dealing with theoretical approaches, papers presenting empirical findings and research-based best practice examples of digitalization (e.g. virtual/augmented reality, microlearning/learning nuggets, AI application) in workplace related learning as well as technology based assessment of competences are accepted. If you are interested in publishing your work in this volume, please send a title and a short abstract of 250 words to the following e-mail-address: [email protected]. We look forward to receiving your abstract by 15th Mai 2019. We then expect your full paper (40,000 characters) by October 15th 2019. Papers will then be reviewed (double blind review) and results will be available by December 2019. The volume will be published in the first half of 2020.
(Contributed by Eveline Wuttke <[email protected]>)

Call for papers: The economics of VET
Special issues of the Journal Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training: The Economics of Vocational Education and Training [Details]
The special issue on the Economics of VET strives to bring together theoretical and empirical work addressing topics related to this field of study. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: How do technological change and digitalisation affect the supply of and demand for VET qualifications in the labour market? How do labour market institutions and policies influence training participation of firms and individuals? What type of government efforts aimed at increasing the participation of firms and individuals in VET are effective and efficient? How can VET provide skills to older employees? How do training markets react to exogenous shocks? What role can VET play in the successful integration of refugees and migrants? How do individual-level preferences and personality traits affect the decision for or against VET? What can we learn from VET systems in other countries with different economic and institutional conditions? Please look up details of the Call. For more information on this topic, please see the website of the 2nd BIBB Conference on the Economics of VET. Submission Deadline: 30 November 2019.
(Info obtained from ERVET)

IJTD call for papers
Special issue of the International Journal of Training and Development on workers' participation in continuing training decision-making [Call]
The aim of this issue is to explore to what extent, and how, national institutions contribute to shaping individuals' voices in firm-based training decision-making. Using a multilevel approach, authors are invited to compare the institutional frameworks defining the rules of the game in specific national settings with the kind of corporate practices and arrangements that exist at the company level. Each paper should address and crosscut at least two of the following three scales - national institutional settings, organizational corporate practices and employees’ individual experiences. Papers developing comparative perspectives between different countries are particularly appreciated. Papers should be submitted to the Editor in chief at [email protected] no later than 30 June 2019. The intended publication date is September 2020. Please see the IJTD website for further information about the journal.
(Info obtained from IJTD)

International Mobility: Call for papers extended
The French national Agency for Erasmus+/ Education & Training is calling for contributions for the seventh issue of its annual scientific publication entitled Journal of International Mobility: Moving for Education, Training and Research, which brings together scholarly articles on all aspects of international mobility as part of education and training in Europe and around the world. The members of the reading committee will select articles resulting from research, studies and experiments which fall under the following theme: Virtual mobility/ skilled mobility: what are the links and what are the challenges in Europe and around the world? They may relate to general education, higher education and adult education, as well as to both initial and continuing vocational training. Please send your article to: [email protected], by May 05, 2019. Instructions and Submission Guidelines for the authors are available upon request. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
(Info received from Nadia Gonthier c/o revue <[email protected]>)

Gender hegemony: Call for papers extended
Human Resource Development International: Special Issue call for papers 'Gender Hegemony and Its Impact on HRD Research and Practice'
In her keynote speech to the June 2018 European HRD conference, Dr Laura L. Bierema called upon the Human Resource Development field to become bolder in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. Social media campaigns such as #MeToo have drawn attention to the hostile environment faced by women and minorities in the workplace and in society. HRD scholars, however, have yet to commit collectively to scrutinizing the influence of gender on workplace roles and relationships. This seems a curious omission, given HRD's humanistic roots, and its identity as a "field founded on employee advocacy" (Bierema). HRD's unwillingness to undertake critical examinations of managerial structures founded upon sexism and racism risks damaging HRD claims to fulfil one of its key goals, the facilitation of development and change for all. The emergence of Critical HRD has been a response to the dominance of the performance paradigm within HRD, which overwhelmingly privileges masculinist work cultures and employment practices. We welcome contributions to this special issue that adopt a variety of perspectives and are located in a diversity of empirical locations or theoretical genres. Paper submission by 31 May 2019. Editors: Professor Carole Elliott & Professor Jamie L. Callahan. More details about the special issue can be found here.
(Contributed by Carole Elliott <[email protected]>

Call for papers on sustainability issues
Thematic issue of RELA (European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults): "Responsible for the world? Adult education and sustainability issues". Lead editors: Danny Wildemeersch & Joke Vandenabeele [Details]
On December 14th 2018 Greta Thunberg, a fifteen year old Swedish girl, addressed the world leaders at the United Nations Climate Conference in Katowice (Poland). The time has come for radical change, was her message. Her example inspired thousands of young people to march the streets in several continents. The actions of the young challenge the adults. The broad societal awakening on sustainability issues raises questions on what role adult education and adult educators have been playing until now, and what role they can play in the future. The research question we suggest for the contributions to this special issue is: "What is the contribution of adult education research and practice to the renewal of the sustainability debate?" We invite theoretical, empirical and policy oriented papers. Deadline for submission is 1 November 2019. Papers should be submitted, formatted according to author guidelines available at, and sent to [email protected]; [email protected].
(Info received from Andreas Fejes <[email protected]> via ESREA mailing list)

Organizational change and development
Robert G. Hamlin, Andrea D. Ellinger and Jenni Jones are very excited to announce that their book "Evidence-Based Initiatives for Organizational Change and Development" is now published and available for purchase. Please see this link. Enter "IGI40" during Step 2 of the checkout process for a 40% discount. The main aims of this book are to assist readers to more fully appreciate the complexities and problems of bringing about effective and beneficial organizational change and development (OCD), the merits of adopting evidence-based practice (EBP) approaches and to demonstrate the 'reality' versus the 'rhetoric' of evidence-based organizational change and development (EBOCD) across a wide range of 'Anglo' and 'non-Anglo' countries. The book provides practical insights and lessons on EBOCD based on the theoretical and philosophical perspectives and critical reflections on change agency practice of its 86 contributing authors. With chapters written by key leading change authors, including Bernard Burnes, Bob Garvey, Joan van Aken, Steven ten Have and Theo Lieber, it is designed ideally for organizational change leaders, line managers, HRD and OD professional practitioners, together with business academics and students seeking supportive insights on EBOCD initiatives, whether at the team, departmental or organizational level, or across sectoral, national or cultural boundaries.
(Contributed by Jenni Jones <[email protected]>)

Agency, identity and learning
Chiara Biasin and Karen Evans. Agency, identity and learning at turning points in women's lives: A comparative UK-Italian analysis. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults 2019 10(1): 47-63 [Details]
This paper discusses the ways in which women aged 50, in two different cultural contexts (United Kingdom and Italy) narrate and portray turning points in their life course. Particular emphasis is put on the relationships between identity, learning and agency that emerge through work, family and life experiences. The reference paradigm is adopted from Narrative Learning Theory and the approach is qualitative and comparative in analysing the participant's voice. For the UK sample, the data sources are 16 semi-structured interviews, including drawings representing the life course, selected from the study deposited in the UK Archives Data under the "Social Participation and Identity" project; for the Italian sample, the data sources are 28 semistructured interviews and drawings, based on the same selected items of the UK interviews and provided by women living in the North-East of Italy. This study will show how women's representations of their life course and of turning points in their lives reveal different propensities to reflect on and learn from their own lives. The comparative perspective highlights, through two-level analysis (micro and macro) and by contrasting cultural, relational and social contexts, variations in ways these women are enabled or restricted in moving their lives forward. The research also contributes to methodological insight into the use of drawings in elucidating life course narratives.
(Abstract obtaied from publisher's page)

Skills and training 4.0
"Lavorare nelle Risorse Umane. Competenze e formazione 4.0 - Working in Human Resources. Skills and training 4.0" is the title of the new book edited by Giuditta Alessandrini, full professor at the Department of Education at the University of Roma Tre, published by Armando Editore. The work proposes a "narration" of Industry 4.0's transformations, with particular reference to education, and collects essays by human resources experts and managers in business contexts who contributed to the activities of the Master HR Specialist (University of Roma Tre, Department of Education). The opening paper, by Alessandrini, outlines the trends in the HR sector in the context of digital transformation. Topics such as engagement and e-recruitment, motivation, new training needs, digital skills in new work contexts constitute the framework of the book. The miscellany is a source of "essential" consultation and an useful guide for anyone working in the field of human resources, training and job orientation. The volume is full of recent data and methodological tools about all the themes of employability and tutorship for job seeking. Each essays is introduced by an English abstract.
(Contributed by Giuditta Alessandrini <[email protected]>)

NOTE: References to publications on European research in learning and work are provided by the WIFO pages on Books [],  Journals [] and Articles [].


Editor of the L&W Newsletter: Dr Sabine Manning, Research Forum WIFO;
Email: [email protected]  (or:  [email protected]);
Address: Neue Blumenstr. 1, D-10179 Berlin, Germany;
Editions of the L&W Newsletter: six times a year, every two months (at the beginning of February, April, June, August, October, December);
Deadline for contributions to the L&W Newsletter: end of January, March, May, July, September, November;
Details and Archive of the L&W Newsletter [];
See also our update on Data Protection.



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