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Launching of Nonaka International Academy at iKM2017

In the context of the International Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management (iKM2017), held at Tsinghua University, Beijing on March 16 and 17, an international tribute was presented to Ikujiro Nonaka, Professor Emeritus at Hitotsubashi University in Japan.

Launching of Nonaka International Academy at iKM2017

Professor Nonaka has won wide-ranging recognition for his work in developing the theory of Knowledge-based Management. He is the most cited author in the field and an influential scholar in Management Theory at large. In Spring 2002, he was conferred with a Purple Ribbon Medal by the Japanese government, and elected a member of the Fellows Group of the Academy of Management in the United States, becoming the first Asian scholar among the Group’s members. He was included in the Wall Street Journal’s 20 “Most Influential Business Thinkers (May 5, 2008).”

In Autumn 2010, Professor Nonaka was conferred with the Zuihōshō, or The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon, for outstanding achievement, and long-service and contributions to education. In June 2012, he received the Eminent Scholar Award from the Academy of International Business. In November 2013, he was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award by Thinkers50 which is given to someone who has had a long-term impact on the way people think about and practice management. He was elected as a member of the Japan Academy in January 2016.

This was also the occasion for the official launching and first assembly of the Nonaka International Academy. The Academy will pursue high-level research collaboration in Knowledge-based Management and Development studies between specialists across the world. Amongst the Academy founders and keynote speakers at the conference was Professor Francisco Javier Carrillo, Head of the Knowledge Society Research Group at Tecnologico de Monterrey and Director of the PASCAL Center for Latin-America.

This news item is featured in the report PASCAL Center for Latin America and the Caribbean Spring Highlights - April 2017, which is attached.


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