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Marie Curie Fellowships - an Opportunity for All from the EC

Marie Curie Incoming Fellowships and Intra-European Marie Curie Fellowships.

The University of Glasgow welcomes applications for Marie Curie Fellowships and will offer advice to colleagues wishing to base themselves at Glasgow in the College of Social Sciences where the PASCAL International Observatory is based.


These are open to applicants from third countries (including ICPC countries). A third country is any country that is not in the European Union. 

Who is eligible to apply?

International Incoming Fellowships are directed exclusively at experienced researchers, namely those who either:

i) have at least 4 years of research experience (full-time equivalent) after obtaining the degree which would formally entitle them to embark on a doctorate either in the

country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the research training will be provided; or

ii) are already in possession of a doctoral degree (PhD).

The time limit to fulfill one of these conditions is the deadline for proposal submission of the relevant call. However, it is expected that the experienced researchers will typically have a more senior profile in terms of experience. The required research experience does not include breaks during the research career of a researcher, irrespective of the reason (e.g. working outside research, family reasons, etc.).



These are open to applicants from EU Member States or Associated Countries. Staff who have come from, or have worked with, any of these countries may have colleagues who would wish to come to Glasgow to work with them. A guide for applicants is attached that provides further detail.

Who is eligible to apply?

The criteria is the same as the Incoming Fellowships, although interestingly  the expectation that experienced researchers will have a more senior profile in terms of experience is not mentioned.

If anyone is interested in finding out more about these fellowships, or would be interested in applying, could they please contact Fiona  Mackinlay, College of Social Sciences Research Manager, University of Glasgow.

More information may be found here.


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