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NEP: New Economics Papers - Social Norms and Social Capital - 15-12-2013

In this issue we feature 10 current papers on the theme of social capital:

  1. Teaching Practices and Social Capital - Yann Algan; Pierre Cahuc; Andrei Shleifer
  1. Generating Business Referrals for SMEs: The Contingent Value of CEOs' Social Capital - Barthelemy Chollet; Mickaël Géraudel; Caroline Mothe
  1. Social and Moral Norms in Allocation Choices in the Laboratory - Charness, Gary; Schram, Arthur
  1. Giving in France: A Philanthropic Renewal after Decades of Distrust - Arthur Gautier; Anne-Claire Pache; Valérie Mossel
  1. Who gets the Top Jobs? The role of family background and networks in recent graduates' access to high status professions - Lindsey Macmillan; Claire Tyler; Anna Vignoles
  1. Becoming “We” instead of “I” : Identity management and incentives in the workplace - Jocelyn Donze; Trude Gunnes
  1. Imagine Being a Nice Guy: A Note on Hypothetical vs. Incentivized Social Preferences - Christoph Bühren; Thorben C. Kundt
  1. Inputs, Gender Roles or Sharing Norms? Assessing the Gender Performance Gap Among Informal Entrepreneurs in Madagascar - Vaillant, Julia; Nordman, Christophe Jalil
  1. National Identity and Religious Diversity - Kenneth Harttgen; Matthias Opfinger
  1. Collective Action, Heterogeneous Loyalties, and Path Dependence: Micro-Evidence from Senegal - Jean-Philippe Platteau; Tomasz Strzalecki


Edited by: Fabio Sabatini, Universita' la Sapienza

Issue date: 2013-12-15

Note: Access to full contents may be restricted.

NEP is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Victoria University of Wellington.


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