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NEP: New Economics Papers - Social Norms and Social Capital - Digest, Vol 128, Issue 3

In this issue we feature 8 current papers on the theme of social capital, chosen by Fabio Sabatini (Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”):

1. Does Money Strengthen Our Social Ties? Longitudinal Evidence of Lottery Winners Costa-Font, Joan; Powdthavee, Nattavudh

2. Bad bosses and self-verification: the moderating role of core self-evaluations with trust in workplace management Booth, Jonathan E.; Shantz, Amanda; Glomb, Theresa M.; Duffy, Michelle K.; Stillwell, Elizabeth E.

3. Why Do People Demand Rent Control? Daniel Müller; Elisabeth Gsottbauer

4. Fighting Climate Change: The Role of Norms, Preferences, and Moral Values Peter Andre; Teodora Boneva; Felix Chopra; Armin Falk

5. Can a supranational medicines agency restore trust after vaccine suspensions? The case of Vaxzevria Albanese, Andrea; Fallucchi, Francesco; Verheyden, Bertrand

6. Contagious Dishonesty: Corruption Scandals and Supermarket Theft Giorgio Gulino; Federico Masera

7. Effects of Social Networks on Job Attainment and Match Quality: Evidence from the China Labor-Force Dynamics Survey Nie, Peng; Yan, Weibo

8. The Effect of Photos and a Local-Sounding Name on Discrimination against Ethnic Minorities in Austria Weichselbaumer, Doris; Schuster, Julia

1. Does Money Strengthen Our Social Ties? Longitudinal Evidence of Lottery Winners Costa-Font, Joan (London School of Economics); Powdthavee, Nattavudh (University of Warwick) We study the effect of lottery wins on social ties and support network in the United Kingdom. On average, we find that winning more in the lottery increases the probability of meeting friends on most days, which is consistent with the complementary effect of income on social ties. The opposite is true with regards to social ties held for more instrumental reasons such as talking to neighbors. Winning more in the lottery also lessens an individual support network consistently with a substitution for instrumental social ties. However, further robustness checks reveal that the average lottery effects are driven by the few outliers of very large wins in the sample, thus suggesting that small to medium-sized wins ( JEL: Z1 Keywords: income, lottery, socialization effect, unearned income, friendships, neighborhood, social ties Date: 2021–06 URL:

2. Bad bosses and self-verification: the moderating role of core self-evaluations with trust in workplace management Booth, Jonathan E.; Shantz, Amanda; Glomb, Theresa M.; Duffy, Michelle K.; Stillwell, Elizabeth E. Who responds most strongly to supervisor social undermining? Building on self-verification theory (Swann, 1983, 1987), we theorize that employees with positive views of the self (i.e., higher core self-evaluations [CSEs]) who also maintain higher trust in workplace management are more likely to experience heightened stress and turnover intentions when undermined. We argue that this subset of employees (high CSE, high trust) are more likely to feel misunderstood when undermined by their supervisor and that this lack of self-verification partially explains their stronger responses to supervisor undermining. We find initial support for the first part of our model in a study of 259 healthcare workers in the United States and replicate and extend our findings in the second study of 330 employees in the United Kingdom. Our results suggest that the employees Human Resources often wishes to attract and retain—employees with high CSE and high trust in workplace management—react most strongly to supervisor social undermining. JEL: R14 J01 Keywords: core self-evaluations; self-verification; stress appraisals; supervisor social; trust in workplace management; turnover intentions Date: 2020–03–01 URL:

3. Why Do People Demand Rent Control? Daniel Müller; Elisabeth Gsottbauer We conduct a representative survey experiment in Germany to understand why people support inecient policies. In particular, we measure beliefs about and preferences for rent control - a policy that is widely regarded as harmful by experts. To tease out causal mechanisms, we provide randomly selected subsets of participants with empirical estimates about the e ects of rent control on rent prices and housing supply and with information about the consensus among economists against rent control. We find that people update their beliefs and that this leads to lower demand for rent control. Left-wingers update their beliefs more strongly, which reduces the ideological gap in support for rent control by about one-third. Providing information about economists' rejection of this policy leads to the largest reduction in support. However, the main drivers of support for rent control are fairness considerations and profit motives. Our study also highlights the importance of trust in expert advice since treatment effects are consistently larger among those who indicate trust in expert advice. Finally, an obfuscated follow-up survey conducted three weeks later reveals that the effects, both on support for rent control and on beliefs, persist only for those who trust. JEL: H10 H30 H31 Keywords: beliefs, demand for bad policies, housing supply, rent control, survey experiment, trust in experts Date: 2021 URL:

4. Fighting Climate Change: The Role of Norms, Preferences, and Moral Values Peter Andre (University of Bonn); Teodora Boneva (University of Bonn); Felix Chopra (University of Bonn); Armin Falk (briq and the University of Bonn) We document individual willingness to fight climate change and its behavioral determinants in a large representative sample of US adults. Willingness to fight climate change - as measured through an incentivized donation decision - is highly heterogeneous across the population. Individual beliefs about social norms, economic preferences such as patience and altruism, as well as universal moral values positively predict climate preferences. Moreover, we document systematic misperceptions of prevalent social norms. Respondents vastly underestimate the prevalence of climate- friendly behaviors and norms among their fellow citizens. Providing respondents with correct information causally raises individual willingness to fight climate change as well as individual support for climate policies. The effects are strongest for individuals who are skeptical about the existence and threat of global warming. JEL: D64 D91 Q51 Keywords: climate change, climate behavior, climate policies, social norms, economic preferences, moral values, beliefs, survey experiments Date: 2021–07 URL:

5. Can a supranational medicines agency restore trust after vaccine suspensions? The case of Vaxzevria Albanese, Andrea; Fallucchi, Francesco; Verheyden, Bertrand Over the first half of March 2021, the majority of European governments suspended Astrazeneca's Vaxzevria vaccine as a precaution following media reports of rare blood clots. We analyse the impact of the European Medicines Agency's (EMA) March 18th statement assuring the public of the safety of Vaxzevria and the immediate reinstatement of the vaccine by most countries on respondents' intention to get vaccinated. By relying on survey data collected in Luxembourg and neighbouring areas between early March and mid-April, we observe that the willingness to be vaccinated was severely declining in the days preceding the EMA statement. We implement a regression discontinuity design exploiting the time at which respondents completed the survey and find that the vaccine reinstatement substantially restored vaccination intentions. JEL: I12 I18 C21 H12 H40 Keywords: COVID-19,vaccine hesitancy,supranational regulation,public health,regression discontinuity design Date: 2021 URL:

6. Contagious Dishonesty: Corruption Scandals and Supermarket Theft Giorgio Gulino; Federico Masera Is dishonest behavior contagious? We answer this question by studying whether corruption scandals affect the propensity of supermarket customers to steal while using a self-service checkout system. Crucially, this system provides shoppers with the opportunity to engage in dishonest behavior by under-reporting the value of their shopping cart. Exploiting data from random audits on shoppers, we show that the probability of a shopper underreporting increases by 16% after a local corruption scandal is made public. The effect starts immediately and is particularly strong during the first four days after the story breaks. This effect is not driven by any change in material incentives or social norms. Rather, we show that it is due to a reduction in the self-imposed moral cost of stealing and is mainly concentrated among taxpayers. JEL: D73 K42 Z1 A13 Keywords: corruption, crime, consumer behavior, norms Date: 2021–07 URL:

7. Effects of Social Networks on Job Attainment and Match Quality: Evidence from the China Labor-Force Dynamics Survey Nie, Peng (Xi’an Jiaotong University); Yan, Weibo (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law) Using nationally representative data from the 2012 and 2014 China Labor-force Dynamics Survey, this paper investigates the effects of network types (kinship/non-kinship) and network resources (information/influence) on job attainment and match quality in China. We find a wage premium obtained through both kinship and non- kinship networks but shorter job duration only in jobs obtained through non-kinship networks. In regards to the different types of networks, resources embedded in the networks are not important. This conundrum can be reconciled if we take the structure of the network and the type of work unit into account. Kinship networks are more pervasive in the public sector, with better earnings and stable job positions. Non-kinship networks bring about a wage premium but lead to job dissatisfaction, especially in regards to promotion opportunities. This paper highlights the structure of the job market when studying networks and sheds new light on the types of networks that really matter in job attainment and those that result in the possible loss of match quality. JEL: J30 J31 J64 Keywords: network types, network resources, job attainment, match quality Date: 2021–06 URL:

8. The Effect of Photos and a Local-Sounding Name on Discrimination against Ethnic Minorities in Austria Weichselbaumer, Doris (University of Linz); Schuster, Julia (University of Linz) A large body of research documents the existence of discrimination against migrants and ethnic minorities in the labour market. This study investigates for Austria, to what degree employment discrimination against ethnic minorities is mitigated, when they abstain from following the Austrian norm of including a photograph to their job application that would make their ethnicity salient or when they hold a local sounding name. In our correspondence test, we found that with matching ethnic names and ethnic photographs, black but not Asian job applicants suffered from discrimination. With a local sounding name, blacks (but not Asians) bettered their employment chances. Although photographs may facilitate ethnic discrimination, we did not find that their omission improved minorities' labour market chances. On the contrary, Asians were penalised for leaving out their photograph. Indeed, if candidates did not attach photos despite the convention to do so, we found statistically significant discrimination not only against black, but also Asian applicants. JEL: C93 J15 J71 Keywords: migration, discrimination, hiring, correspondence testing Date: 2021–06 URL:

This nep-soc issue is ©2021 by Fabio Sabatini. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose.

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.



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