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New Economics Papers - Social Norms and Social Capital - 18-10-2013

In this issue we feature 13 current papers on the theme of social capital:

  1. A cross-country analysis of the relationship between income inequality and social capital - Heijke J.A.M.; Ioakimidis M.
  1. Measuring the Monetary Value of Social Relations: a Hedonic Approach - Emilio Colombo; Luca Stanca
  1. The Social Egoist - Boschini, Anne; Muren, Astri; Persson, Mats
  1. Workers' propensity to cooperate with colleagues and the general population: a comparison based on a field experiment - Giacomo Degli Antoni
  1. Limitations to Signaling Trust with All or Nothing Investments - Eric Schniter; Roman M. Sheremeta; Timothy W. Shields
  1. Water Cooler Ostracism: Social Exclusion as a Punishment Mechanism - David Johnson; Brent Davis
  1. Estimating the benefits of linking ties in a deeply divided society: considering the relationship between domestic workers and their employers in South Africa - Ronelle Burger; Marisa Coetzee; Carina van der Watt
  1. Preferences, Homophily, and Social Learning - Ilan Lobel; Evan Sadler
  1. Social Relationships in Later Life: The Role of Childhood Circumstances - Sarah Gibney; Mark E. McGovern; Erika Sabbath
  1. Cooperation in Small Groups: The Effect of Group Size - Daniele Nosenzo; Simone Quercia; Martin Sefton
  1. Optimal Contracting with Altruism and Reciprocity - Matteo Bassi; Marco Pagnozzi; Salvatore Piccolo
  1. Participatory Accountability and Collective Action: Experimental Evidence from Albania - Abigail Barr; Truman Packard; Danila Serra
  1. Reciprocity as the foundation of Financial Economics - Timothy C. Johnson


Edited by: Fabio Sabatini, Universita' la Sapienza

Issue date: 2013-10-18

Note: Access to full contents may be restricted.

NEP is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Victoria University of Wellington.


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