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New Economics Papers - Social Norms and Social Capital - 24-09-2013

In this issue we feature 9 current papers on the theme of social capital:

  1. Bowling for Fascism: Social Capital and the Rise of the Nazi Party in Weimar Germany: 1919-33 - Satyanath, Shanker; Voigtländer, Nico; Voth, Hans-Joachim
  1. Directed Giving: Evidence from an Inter-Household Transfer Experiment - Catia Batista; Dan Silverman; Dean Yang
  1. Constructing Social Division to Support Cooperation: Theory and Evidence from Nepal - Choy, James
  1. Dynamics of the Corruption Eradication in Indonesia - Situngkir, Hokky; Maulana, Ardian
  1. Play it Again: Partner Choice, Reputation Building and Learning in Restarting, Finitely-Repeated Dilemma Games - Kenju Kamei; Louis Putterman
  1. Do Social Rights Affect Social Outcomes? - Christian Bjørnskov; Jacob Mchangama
  1. Impact of natural disaster on public sector corruption - Yamamura, Eiji
  1. Social awareness and duopoly competition - nada, BELHADJ; GABSZEWICZ, Jean J.; TAROLA, Ornella
  1. Voluntary Payments, Privacy and Social Pressure on the Internet: A Natural Field Experiment - Tobias Regner; Gerhard Riener


Edited by: Fabio Sabatini, Universita' la Sapienza

Issue date: 2013-09-24

Note: Access to full contents may be restricted.

NEP is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Victoria University of Wellington.


Looks like an interesting

Looks like an interesting volume - too bad one cannot access any article beyond the title, even if one is registered (and logged in) as a Pascal associate.

So, why post it at this site?


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